Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0

superman wallpaper Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0

Watchmen ZackSnyder thumb 550x368 13494 Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0

Zack Snyder

According to Deadline New York, Warner Bros has finally announced who has been chosen to direct the Superman reboot and it is none other than the guy who brought you 300, Watchmen and currently in post-production Sucker Punch.  This could be good.  300 was a decent movie.  Whatever it lacked had more to do with story than anything directorial, I thought.  And unlike some people I’ve spoken to, I had no problem with Watchmen and happen to enjoy the film a lot.  I do agree that some of the story details needed to be updated a bit, but again, probably not Snyder’s fault. David Goyer, who apparently had an issue with Batman 3 and opted for working on Superman instead, will be writing the script.  As previously announced, Chris Nolan will be producing.  The good thing about reboots is that we get to see some fresh talent.  Here are some possibilities …

Why not Tom Welling?  He’s been playing him for years already

Tom.Welling Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0


 Mad Men’s Jon Hamm was reportedly in “serious” consideration 

jon hamm l Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0


also rumored was Chuck’s Zachary Levi

  Zachary Levi geeky sexy Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0


Someone mentioned John Barrowman but I think he’d make a better Lex

John Barrowman 1433445c Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0


Remember back when Tim Burton was trying to make this happen?

SUPERMAN.LIVES.BIG.nicholas cage superman outfit Zack Snyder to direct Superman 3.0

[Sources:  Deadline New York , The Movie Blog]

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