In this, my final review of Masters of the Universe Classics—to be taken over in 2013 by Miss M—I am offering up a great pictorial of three very cool figures.
Buzz-Off is a very nice surprise that I received for “free”—he was “free” because subscription holders were given a payoff for Frosta having reversed forearms. Others have received Mer-Man or Stratos and apparently others here and there. I’m quite happy with getting Buzz-Off because I don’t have him at all—now I do.
So, let’s begin with Buzz-Off!
This Bee-Man comes packaged in the usual bubble and card—mine was thrown together quite poorly, but I never look a gift horse in the mouth.
The back of the card has the “Also Available” and bio. Although the name is thought out on the toilet as with Demo-Man, the bio seems to be from the 200X cartoon.
Buzz-Off includes a great selection of accessories including his “hat” which fits great on the figures head and doesn’t fall off like the original 80’s figure. Buzz also includes a tall axe which he had in the 200X cartoon and the short axe with the hand guard that the 80’s figure came with.
Buzz-Off’s back houses his translucent, electronic wings which move, fully articulated, to be posed as you wish. Also upon Buzz-Off’s back are extra appendages that are articulated on ball joints and hinges.
Buzz-Off is a great figure; he was one of the last in 2010.
GRADE: A+ (Great detail and I regret not getting him a few years ago, but if I did, I would then have two, so thanks Mattel, I love him)!
Now on to the subscription figures.
Mosquitor was one of the last figures released in the 80’s Masters of the Universe toy line and now he finally has a classics version which hardly disappoints.
As always, Mosquito-Guy, comes packaged on the standard card.
The back has other figures that you can, or could have gotten and a bio that probably possesses one of the worse names in MOTUC history. The bio seems ok, I know there are mini comic concepts in there, so it can’t be all that bad.
Mosquitor probably possesses some of the best sculpting for one of the monstrous characters, the head appears to be a better detailed version of the original with some pretty cool eyes and detail under the stinger that seems to have a hose leading into his mouth or something like that.
Original Mosquitor had an action feature that gave the appearance of blood filling in his chest, this one does not offer that, but it gives a good appearance of the feature…more or less. Mosquitor’s boots are really cool and the other details throughout make him one of the few figures from 2012 that had some fresh sculpting.
The only accessory included with Mosquitor is his purple “gun.”
The back of Mosquitor’s armor has a couple of articulated appendages that resemble what Buzz-Off comes with.
Mosquitor is a pretty nice figure, I’m really impressed at the detail, I just think that maybe they could have made him a bit like Stinkor and had alternate parts that would allow him to resemble the 200X mini statue where he had 2 blood tanks on his back which was very cool.
GRADE: A (I think “Mo” is a great figure, he just doesn’t offer enough when there is plenty to add).
Now that the bugs are squashed, there is a certain giant rock man to talk about.
The third “giant” action figure in MOTUC is Procrustus, a figure I wasn’t big on even though I like the mini comic from the very early 80’s in which he had an appearance—2 whole pages worth! However, once I opened the huge action figure and put him together, my opinion changed.
Procrustus comes in a very large box which he shares with Tytus and Megator.
The back of the box has the “Also Available” and bio and the space to the right is filled in with a shot of the character.
The three very large figures side by side gives ME one last look at the rock man packaged.
Opened, Procrustus needs to have his extra arms attached to the “knobs” on his back. The arms are pressed in—hard–and then they will rotate tightly—the “knobs” are 2 different sizes so the arms are correctly installed.
Now, with his body together, Procrustus sports greater articulation in his arms than both Tytus and Megator with most of the movement resembling the smaller figures which will allow for more posing options. Included is the Star Seed Orb or large yellow marble; this can sit in Temple of Darkness Sorceress’s altar.
From behind, Procrustus has great rocky detail which the front also possesses. Although the figure is painted in almost a monotone with alterations in the paint to give the detailed look of stone; Procrustus is still pretty cool for what he is.
GRADE: B+ (Very cool, but kind of plain and his accessory is basic considering the cost—maybe 2 extra arms can count as accessories, but I don’t know…)
Procrustus, Buzz-Off and Mosquitor pose for the photo shoot with the giant rock guy towering over the insects.
After having a hissy-fit over the snacks provided, Mosquitor decides to make a meal out of Buzz-Off.
Procrustus doesn’t like this spoiled bastard’s attitude or the fact that he assaulted another buggy, so he picks his ass up and appears to be getting ready to give Mosquitor a back breaker!
However, Procrustus decides to squash Mosquitor like the pest that he is under his foot while Buzz-Off takes possession of the purple “gun” as payment for being drained of some VLOOD!
Sit tight MOTUC fans, January brings Netossa from She-Ra and Ram-Man, a larger scale figure with all new sculpting! Miss M won’t disappoint and maybe, just maybe, I’ll sneak in and do a review or two before Castle Grayskull comes at the end of the year.
Although the selection of figures wasn’t perfect, there were a lot of great and interesting pieces to add to the collection. The club exclusive figure Shadow Weaver caused message board riots and the traveling convention figure of Temple of Darkness Sorceress just may have taken the number one spot in my MOTU collection. A lot of villains were added such as Stinkor, Rattlor and Spikor with heroes such as Fisto, Dekker and Frosta also taking positions on the collector’s shelf. There was the interesting weapons pak that featured the 200X swords of Skeletor; a shield for Evil-Lyn and a gray Zoar to go with Temple of Darkness Sorceress.
All in all, 2012 was not a bad year for figures and accessories. However, I’m quite happy to be rid of the subscription; I can now focus on my love of Anime and Figma action figures.
I hope you; the reader, enjoyed my reviews of the thirty years of Masters of the Universe.

Miss M
Dec 29, 2012 -
Wonderful review! I have really enjoyed reading these. It is always nice to see what other people think of this line and to also find out which characters are thought of more fondly than others. I love Buzz-Off and Mosquitor, but I am not really crazy about Procustus. He does look cool, but he just isn’t for me. I do like the four arms though.
And your pictures are so great! I love the back breaker on poor old Mosquitor. I really think his sculpting is wonderful, and your pictures and writing do him justice. I think the fun thing about the line now is that all these figures that came out at the end of the series are now going to get made and I am just looking forward to seeing what the 4H do.
Again, great reviews. I really love reading them and I hope to do a good job in 2013. Now get to collecting all those Figmas! : )