X-Men: First Class will have Kick-Ass Director and Date

X Men Cover X Men: First Class will have Kick Ass Director and Date

After directing Kick-Ass, well-received by geeks and critics alike, Matthew Vaughn will be the directing X-Men: First Class. Oh the irony, since Matthew Vaughn was supposed to direct the third X-Men movie, but Fox was rushing him and he decided he didn’t want his creativity compromised, so they hired Brett Ratner instead.

“What happened with X-Men was I didn’t have the time to make the movie that I wanted to make. I had a vision for how it should be, and I wanted to make sure I was making a film as good as X-Men 2, and I knew there was no way it could be. I just suddenly knew it wasn’t the right thing for me to do.”

It’s a good thing that Vaughn is on board again with Fox, since I bet that even Fox knew they needed to fix the X-men franchise again. I’m looking at you X3 and Wolverine, even though it made lots of moolah.

“As it happens, I could have made something a hundred times better than the film that was eventually made,” he says. “It sounds arrogant, but I could have done something with far more emotion and heart. I’m probably going to be told off for saying that, but I genuinely believe it.”

Another plus is that he makes movies with lesser budgets. Just take Kick-Ass for example. As of now, it has already made profit from a budget of $30 million.

The movie is going to be a prequel to the X-Men trilogy and is slated for June 3, 2011, almost a year from now. It’s about Charles Xavier and Magneto as two young men discovering each other for the first time. It’ll be called Brokeback Mutants.

Source: Vaughn on X3
X-Men: First Class Date Announced

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