Step 3: Gettin’ the digits!!! This step can be a little nerve wrecking for many guys . The reason being is because most guys are afraid of rejection. Guys feel that if they ask for the digits of a girl, then they might be setting themselves up for a turn-down if the girl is not interested. True, but how else are you going to have a chance with a girl if you don’t even try. The way I look at it is this way. If you try and don’t succeed then try again. It might not work with the same girl, but you can always use this philosophy for future references. Besides, in case you haven’t noticed, most guys get turned down a lot of times before they get any digits (especially at clubs). However, there may be serveral ways to approach this not to mention many scenarios that can occur. If you go back to Step 2 (The Introductory Stage), you can even converse your way to getting the girl’s digits. Remember that decent conversation I talked about in this stage. Ya well use this opportunity to possibly exchange numbers (if the right circumstances arise) and once you find out more about this girl. For instance, if you find out she has a boyfriend then you might not want to ask her for her number (unless you want to keep it at a friendship level only). However, you should already have done research on whether she had a b/f or not (in Step 1). What you don’t want to do is ask for her digits the first time you say a word to her. SHE WILL PROBABLY THINK YOU ARE A CREEP OR A WIERDO IF YOU DO THIS. Girls like conversation and they like to feel comfortable around people. If she don’t know you at all, then chances are she will be nervous or scared. Get to know her while you two are having a conversation. If you see her often, then don’t even worry about asking her for her digits the first time you see her. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask for those precious digits if you see her consistently. Besides she will probably feel a lot more comfortable and feel as though she knows you more if you talk to her everyday or a couple of times a week. Remember a few more things. Try to relax, be yourself (that is if you aren’t too creepy or goofy) and be smart about the types of questions you ask her and how you ask her. So how do you ask a girl for her number? Well let’s say that the opportunity is finally here and you are about to ask her for the digits. Depending on the convesration you two might have, you can always say, “Hey, would you like to exchange numbers?” I think that this is the best and smartest ways to ask for the digits of the girl you are interested in. Once you get her number, DO NOT call her that same day (unless she asks you to). Give it a few days (I would say at least 3 days). Also, do not call her every other hour or 10 times in a day. I’d say a good amout of times would be two times a day. If she does not answer her phone when you call, then leave her a message on her voicemail. The last thing you want to do to a female is smother her. Give her space, leave her a message (and/or a text if she receives them) and just wait and see if she calls back. If she doesn’t then don’t sweat it. Just talk to her the next time you see her.
*Sorry guys if I made this step long, but it’s better than a short one. Another thing, it is hard for me to post advice on here often mainly because I am super busy with both of my jobs that I have right now. I will try to do it weekly and if that don’t work then I will for sure do it a few times a month. Stay tuned for Step 4 coming soon!!!
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Jul 10, 2007 -
It sounds like it’s too much science involved here….. Being that men have been trying to figure out women since the beginning, and have had little success.
I say, go in the battlefield with no game plan!
No matter how perfect you make your plan, it’s not going to go as planned–nothing does.
Just go up, be yourself, and talk to the girl–it’s just a girl!
And if she digs you, she’ll make sure you guys stay in touch (just don’t fuck it up).
If she shoots you down–shiiiiiiiiiiit, just remember this: girls outnumber guys 10 to 1 (at minimum 10), so just go to the next one!
Girls are sooooo fucking complex, so just take the most basic and simple steps to approach them.
And all girls are crazy–you just gotta’ find out what “crazy” you can live with.
That’s my two cents.