I’ve been checking out X-Men comics again thanks to the great trailer for X-Men: First Class. The trailer made me excited about the franchise again and I came across this Wolverine comic. He won’t be in the new movie but the fact that he wants to kill the X-Men in Wolverine #7 sounds pretty exciting. The comic comes out March 30, 2011 and it’ll also have Magneto involved. Love the cover of Logan being the anti hero and maybe even a villain.
Here’s the official word from Marvel:
“Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Wolverine #7, from superstar creators Jason Aaron and Daniel Acuna! How do you put down an unstoppable mutant killing machine? Good question – but Cyclops already thought of it. Logan is cutting way through the few friends he’s ever had, and the de facto Wolverine hit squad of Cyke, Magneto and Namor are going to be forced to play their final hand. Its game over for the best there was this March, only in Wolverine #7!”
Here’s a panel from the issue where several versions of Wolverine appear, including a cowboy and a James Bond-esqe.
Source: CBR