Last weekend was a Superhero convention down at the Anaheim Convention Center. It was called Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con to be exact. I got to see a bunch of cool Superhero art, and the artists behind them. Also, comic books were everywhere, as well as toys, funky hats, and cool robots. Dedicated cosplayers also came out to show their support for their favorite Superheroes. An event like this is best captured in photos, so Enjoy!
Adam West and Burt Ward, I think
Overall, it was a good show. I had fun mingling with my fellow nerds! Make sure to check Wizard’s site for listings of all upcoming events.
Tracy Johnson
May 10, 2011 -
Looks like a great time! Love the kid in the Iron Man mask…
May 11, 2011 -
love the last photo
“nerds” so sexy 😀