We’re giving out a FREE brand new Superman/Batman: Apocalypse on Blu-Ray. This is a cool animated movie with some epic battles as Superman, Batman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman go head to head against an army of Doomsday’s and Darkseid!
Here are the easy steps for joining the contest:
1) Add us on Facebook:
2) Subscribe to our newsletter by filling out the form below and answering the question below:
3) Winner with the best answer wins the blu-ray!
4) I will share the answers as I receive them in the comments section so you guys will have a chance to read each one!
5) Contest ends on Midnight Sunday 1/23/2010.
Thanks and good luck!

Jan 19, 2011 -
From Johnathan T:
Batman, because he doesn’t need any super powers to take down foes that are almost god like. Just sheer intellect and wit alone!…and billion dollars worth of gadgets.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Justin C:
Wonder Woman. What is her weakness? Nothing comes to mind.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Manny:
For many years I was a Marvel fan boy. Last year I asked the owner of my local comic shop for suggestions. I he recommended the current run of Johns Green Lantern. Started with the trades and have been hooked through the Blackest Night saga onto the Brightest Day. While I respect the other Lanterns, Hal Jordan is top notch for me. Johns was able to inject a breath of fresh air into this ongoing character. I love Hal’s nobility and loyalty. The whole Lantern universe is never-ending and intriguing. Somewhat excited for the movie, although I have concerns that there might be some hokieness involved, I just hope they stay true to his charecter. So for this Marvel fan boy, the green lantern would be my favorite.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Rob R:
Batman. He doesn’t need superpowers to do his job.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Mike M:
Martian Manhunter.
Because He’s really different from everyone else and his name is fun to say.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Mike B:
Batman is my all-time favorite Dc character because when my brother and I were growing up in the 70’s, we watched the Adam West show every day and he got to be Batman, while I was forced to be Robin. Soon sports entered into his life fulltime and comics took a backseat. As the years went on I slowly eased into the Batman seat until his reign as the Caped Crusader ended and mine began. The cowl quest takes on a much morte personal meaning to me from the memories of our daily fights as to who was who. Ever since I earned the mantle of the Bat (in our household), Batman has become my favorite DC character.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Crystle:
wonder woman cause shes cool
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Carol:
Superman…no special reason but have liked him since I was little
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Monique R:
Superman because he can fly.
Thanks for the chance.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Shilo B:
Harley Quinn is my favorite because she is an evil female character who has fun.
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Daniel M:
Jan 19, 2011 -
From Earl B:
Batman, because he’s…. Batman. Is there anything else to say?
Jan 21, 2011 -
From Andrew G:
The Flash, Barry Allen i a classic good guy.
Jan 21, 2011 -
From David L:
My favorite DC is Batman. He found the courage to build his character after having lost both of his parents. He is an ordinary character that has shown that with determination, one is able to face the evils of the world. Unlike most other superheroes, he does not have any powers, he uses his mind and skills to triumph over the evils in his war against crime. He’s always been a character I have looked up to, ever since I was a little boy.
Jan 23, 2011 -
Green Hornet cause he’s neat with Kato and all
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Paul A:
Superman! He has all the cool powers and has the best storylines.I’ve wanted to be just like him since I was a lil kid.
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Chris J:
Superman because he symbolizes everything that is great about this country he is a patriotic immigrant who stands for truth justice and the American way. Also he reminds me of my grandfather because he wears his underwear outside his pants.
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Robin T:
My favorite has always been Superman bacause he is one of the first to appear in a comic book and he is the man of steel
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Ed N:
Robin; I like Burt Ward.
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Chastidy V:
Superman I love his muscles 🙂
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Jaymes C:
My favorite is Batman. He is all those cool gadgets
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Candie L:
My husband says it is Green Lantern. He lovely response is cause it is the Green Lantern. Has the coolest powers (?)
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Jayme I:
My Favorite D.C Character Is Batman He’s Just An Ordinary Man Who Is A Billionaire And Wears A Batsuit And Has All Kinds Of Gadgets That Help Him Take Down Gothem City’s Bad Guys And Criminals
Jan 24, 2011 -
From Roxann:
Superman is my favorite because he has so many different super powers. There really isn’t anything that he can’t do…except be around Kryptonite.
David Louie
Jan 31, 2011 -
Who won?