We’re giving away a signed Punisher giclee poster signed by actor Thomas Jane (the only real Punisher in my book) and artist Tim Bradstreet (Punisher, Hellblazer)
Entering the contest is simple:
1) Subscribe to our newsletter below by filling out the form.
2) Let us know who’s your favorite Punisher character by answering the question below. It can be any character from the Punisher comics.
3) The contestant with the best answer wins the signed poster. Be creative, use comic references, make youtube vids, etc.
4) Contest is for U.S. Residents only. One entry per contest. Contest ends at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, 11/17/2010.
5) I will update the comments section with the entries so everyone can read the responses!
Thomas Jane and Tim Bradstreet have form RAW Studios. The studio produces movies, comics and multimedia. Show them some geek love and make sure to visit their site.
![Win Punisher Poster Signed by Actor & Artist! pixel Win Punisher Poster Signed by Actor & Artist!](http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png)
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Jami:
The Punisher, he takes no crap. he is all about whats right and revenge
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Chris:
The Punisher of course…hes badass
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Clyde:
of course the Punisher
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Jeff:
The Punisher because he is a one man army of badass!
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Matthew:
Gotta be Frank, I mean you gotta love the man himself right?
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Walter:
My favorite Punisher Character HAS to be John Travolta. Why? Because of this…
Now if he can do the dance with Thomas Jane, I’m golden!!!
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Samuel-Alejandro:
For me Frank Castle will always be the greatest, and most realistic character to be penned in the Marvel universe. He’s cold, yet darkly witty. He’s ruthless, but still has the desire to help innocent people. In fact one of my favorite comics was the Long Cold Dark we see that there is still a human heart beating underneath the infamous Skull. He’s proven to be a match for both super villians and super heroes who’ve crossed his path. This is a man who, when life gave him crap, he didn’t settle for making crap stew, he used it as fuel to destroy enemies who would other wise get away for murder, rape, and some almost unimaginable crimes. Frank Castle is fearless, dark, and never gives up his sense of wrong and right. He isn’t doing this for money, he isn’t doing it for revenge, he isn’t doing it to stop his bleeding heart, he is doing it because if he didn’t, then who would? Here is a character with complex issues who isn’t a whiner like Peter Parker, someone who you can’t just
read one issue and know who he is in his entirely. Marvel comics has some amazing characters but for me none of them have been as conterversial, as dynamic, or as real as Frank Castle, the one man vigilante army.
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Steve G:
The Punisher himself. Vengeance baby… vengeance.
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Brad:
The Punisher because he is just a bad a$$!
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Kevin B:
ummm……Frank castle…..because….well…..he’s badass!
With that said remember: No matter where you turn, there’s a decision to be made. Life or death. Right or wrong. Regular or crunchy.
Nov 7, 2010 -
From Kevin H:
microchip, he’s the nerd.
Nov 15, 2010 -
From Dan M:
Has to be Frank Castle himself.
Nov 15, 2010 -
From Lataevea:
I hate to join the crowd but it’s the punisher for me. Hell I still have a punisher tee shirt I wear, I put it on when I have to punish my 2 year old son. ” what you spilled milk, well now I have to go put on my punisher shirt and think of a punishment”
Nov 15, 2010 -
From Jason Z:
Nov 15, 2010 -
From Lawrence K:
Frank Castle – Vengeance!!!
Nov 15, 2010 -
From Janice G:
Microchip because of all the cool equiptment he furnished hes on of my alltime favorite comic characters
Nov 15, 2010 -
From David B:
Lt. Martin Soap.
Nov 15, 2010 -
From Pedro I:
Bullseye from Jason Aaron’s run on Punisher MAX is my favorite Punisher character. He is the ultimate Punisher villain. He’s Punisher’s equal, he’s got a sick sense of humor, and he’s a total psychopath.
Nov 15, 2010 -
From Joni:
Thomas Jane because he’s so {{{HOT}}}
Nov 17, 2010 -
Vengeance will be sweet! suelee1998 @ gmail.com
Tina Page
Nov 17, 2010 -
Jigsaw because he has been a consistent menace to our Punisher.
susan smoaks
Nov 17, 2010 -
the punisher because he is a bad behind!