This week will be huge at the box office with a major franchise closing in on its final movie while Russell Crowe stars in another political thriller. Let’s take a look at the reviews.
Harry Potter is about to end and Warner Brothers is breaking the final book into two movies. The first part of Deathly Hallows is being released today and it’s getting outstanding reviews. Rottentomatoes has it at 77%. Deathly Hallows focuses more on the characters and less on the magical world. What’s On TV explains the tone of the movie, “Strip away the fantasy elements and you could almost be watching a story set during WW2 – with Harry and co cast as members of the Resistance forced to go underground.” I’m not sure if I’ll watch this in the theatre. The previous movie, Half-Blood Prince was a waste of time. Besides the ending, I didn’t see anything that progressed the story. Deathly Hallows part 2 will be released next year, July 11, 2011.
Crash director, Paul Haggis teams up with Russell Crowe in the political thriller, The Next Three Days. The movie is about a man rescuing his wife from prison after being falsely convicted of murder. It sounds far fetched and the critics seem to agree, giving it a below average score of 44%. New York Daily News describes it as “laughably, eye-rollingly absurd, so you don’t watch it and wonder, “Hey, why not?” You endure it and wonder, “So … why did they do that?.” With stinkers from Crowe shoved down our throats, don’t be surprised if he’ll work on direct to video projects.
Deathly Hallows has already broken a box office record for pre-sale tickets sold and it’ll be a madhouse at theatres this weekend. If I decide to watch it, I’ll wait at least one week before checking it out.