Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Boxing Aslan Edition

dawn treader Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Boxing Aslan Edition

It’s the second weekend of December and there are several movies coming out.  Narnia is being explored for the third time, this time by a different company.  Two big stars are in a boxing drama while Johnny Depp plays a tourist.

The big movie for this weekend is Chronicles Of Narnia: Voyage Of The Dawn Treader.  20th Century Fox bought out the right from Disney after Prince Caspian was seen as a disappointment.  This time around, the story revolves their adventure on a ship as they travel to different places of Narnia.  The movie focuses the theme back to religion.  It’s getting a 51% rating at RottentomatoesSun Online describes it as “While this sea-bound quest lacks depth, there are enough invisible mansions, slave traders and sea serpents to keep youngsters entertained.”

Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale star as brothers in The Fighter.    The movie is directed by David O. Russell (Three Kings) and the movie is getting a positive 84%.  Bullz-eye.com enjoyed the movie “Instead of trying to overwhelm us with the blood and beauty of boxing, Russell concentrates on creating an eye-level and entertaining, but also believable, family drama.”  I’ll be watching this, even though it might have cliche boxing scenes, it should be an interesting movie.  Looks gritty and real.

Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie star in a political drama, The Tourist.  It’s getting trashed with a 20% score.  The movie has Johnny Depp being involved in some kind of spy mission with Jolie.  I was confused with the commercial and it seems like the filmmakers were as well.  Detroit News despised the movie “Jolie! Depp! Romantic locations! Intrigue! Some movies sound too good to be true. The Tourist is one of them.”

I’ll watch The Fighter for sure, maybe Narnia if I have time.  The first two were decent.  The Tourist, I won’t even Netflix.  See you at the movies!

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