Warner Registers Arkham Asylum Domain Names

This could be huge … I’m a glass half full type so I’m going to keep my fingers crossed that this means we’ll be seeing more installments to the Batman franchise in the near future. There’s no word as to whether WB is working on a Batman sequel or reboot, or another game. But one can hope. 20th Century Fox registered the Days of Future Past domain before announcing the next X-men film of the same name to be released in 2015.

Aside from the usual Batman comics, Dark Knight, Batman Detective, etc., there have also been the spin-off comics from the video game. First came Batman: Arkham City, which was a limited series that was sort of prequel to the game. Now there’s Batman: Arkham Unhinged, which is an ongoing series that was released in conjunction with the Arkham City game. Which is even more exciting that there could possibly be a film coming out based on the game/comics.

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Batman: Arkham Unhinged #7

Here is the list of domain names WB registered:

arkhamuniverse.com  (Arkham Universe)
batmanarkahmuniverse.com  (Batman Arkham Universe)
batmanarkhamarises.com  (Batman Arkham Arises)
batmanarkhambegins.com  (Batman Arkham Begins)
batmanarkhamdarkknight.com  (Batman Arkham Dark Knight)
batmanarkhamknight.com  (Batman Arkham Knight)
batmanarkhamlegend.com  (Batman Arkham Legend)
batmanarkhamlegends.com  (Batman Arkham Legends)
batmanarkhamnight.com  (Batman Arkham Night)
batmanarkhamorigins.com  (Batman Arkham Origins)
batmanarkhamstories.com  (Batman Arkham Stories)
darkknightarkham.com  (Dark Knight Arkham)
dcarkhamuniverse.com  (DC Arkham Universe)
dcarkhamverse.com  (DC Arkhamverse)
thearkhamuniverse.com  (The Arkham Universe)

[Source: ComicBookMovie]

pixel Warner Registers Arkham Asylum Domain Names

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