Ready for an all new Vintage Toy of the Month? I know it has been awhile since our last outing into the world of all that is good and vintage, but this latest vintage toy should more than make up for that. If you’ve been following the toy chatter around here than you have probably looked over the recent article about the all new Modulok that came out from the Masters of the Universe Classics Line. Well, thanks to the kind and gracious Paladin (NERDSociety’s editor-in-chief) I was sent a really cool vintage Modulok from the Masters of the Universe toy line!
This was a figure I never owned as a kid, partly because he was just the slightest bit creepy as all get-out. The whole premise behind Modulok is that he is the beast of a thousand bodies. Simply snap together a few body parts and create the ultimate villain from the Horde.
Here are the parts I was sent. The vintage colors for this toy are still bright and reflect the wildness of the 80’s. Back then it was commonplace for vivid colors to be used in numerous toy lines.
Also included with the pieces for Modulok was this nice foldout featuring some really cool images and ideas for possible Modulok combinations. Check the images out below.
These images are all so incredibly cool. I like the truly inventive ways in which Modulok can be put together, especially the snake Modulok. That is just a creepy design! I also like that in the images the Masters of the Universe are seen working side by side with the Evil Warriors against the threat of Modulok. The Horde was a set of villains on their own and they certainly posed a threat to the good guys and the usual suspects under Skeletor’s thumb.
On the other side of the foldout a few interesting things can be seen. There’s more detail about Modulok as well as the main crux of Modulok’s full potential.
The images above are the main selling point for this figure. Buy multiple Modulok sets and build the ultimate Modulok! The interesting thing about this figure is that it feels like Mattel wanted kids to want more than one, which was not the case for other characters. Sure there would be variant He-Man and Skeletor figures, but there was no reason for kids to want multiple versions of the same He-Man figure. Modulok was a different story though. In many ways this figure became a lovely way to stretch out the toy line while creating smart collectors out of kids. “But Mom, I want another Modulok to make the super mega awesome Modulok!” Or if the kid was really savvy, “But Mom, I want another Modulok mint in the box so I can go to college in the future!” That’s a joke, but I do feel like a lot of us were savvy little collectors at a younger age.
Here is the multi limbed Modulok! Paladin told me he was missing some parts, but it should not be difficult to locate an extra leg and weapon piece on eBay or something.
The pieces are near flat and the paint apps look really cool. A great deal of detail went into this vintage Modulok. I like the flashes of bright red and shading on other pieces as well as the bright green and purple.
Let’s do a little comparison from the vintage and new Modulok. The new version obviously looks different; however, the similarities are there. The detailing on the chest and ribs look amazing. All the little bumps and ridges on the vintage toy made it to the new version. It is pretty impressive. I think that is one of the reasons collectors have enjoyed the Masters of the Universe Classics line, the figures (for the most part) are lovely representations of the vintage releases.
Here are some fun poses of Modulok. I loved turning him into a snake. I think that is truly terrifying. I’ve mentioned this before, but Modulok is a freaky character. Even the bright red of the sculpt gives off the appearance that he has no flesh. He has the ability to transform his body into a multitude of ways. That is just creepy!
So creepy in fact that Modulok has come alive in a whole new tale!
With nothing better to do, three members of the Horde decide they will take over Castle Grayskull. Mantenna and Entrapta arrive with the evil beast of a thousand bodies: Modulok! Pointing towards the multi-limbed evil scientist, Entrapta snaps, “What should we do now?” Modulok can only shrug while Mantenna shrills, “Maybe we should knock first?”
Suddenly the trio turns at the sound of approaching footsteps. Entrapta gasps, “Oh great. Look what we have here.” Modulok growls, “These two are no match for the Horde!” Sighing from behind, Mantenna looks on, “I don’t see this ending well.”
He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe arrives with friend and sometimes girlfriend Teela, a warrior goddess! “He-Man, I don’t think these guests are welcome.” He-Man nods, “I believe you are correct Teela. Time to take out the garbage!”
Trying to rush at Modulok, He-Man finds himself at a strange disadvantage. Acting quick with his prowess, Modulok slams his backhand into He-Man’s chest, knocking him to the ground.
The battle damage is apparent as He-Man tries to catch his breath, “I don’t know much about you foul friend, but no one is going to knock me down for long!”
With arms able to lift whole buildings, He-Man quickly tosses Modulok to the side. “Nooo!” Modulok screams as he is tossed aside like yesterday’s newsprint.
Standing triumphant, He-Man looks on at the foe, “Sorry Modulok. Try not to fall to pieces getting up.”
The heroic muscle man of Eternia gloats for a bit too long. Before he can even notice, it is too late, the long constricting hair of Entrapta has trapped him! “Let’s see you escape this trap He-Fool!”
Entrapta laughs with glee as her hair flings He-Man into the side of Castle Grayskull. She continues laughing as He-Man’s body crumples to the side. “This was too easy. And to think, Hordak can never get it right.”
Looking on at her big win, Entrapta turns to blankly stare at Teela, “What do you want? Are you sad that I knocked your boyfriend around a little?” Raising an eyebrow, Entrapta continues to taunt Teela.
“I have every hope that He-Man will be just fine.” Teela draws back a fisto-special cracking the tricky golden beauty’s jaw, “You on the other hand… well… hopefully I won’t tangle you up too much.”
With Entrapta disposed for the time being, Teela looks at He-Man, “Oh goodness, are you all right He-Man?”
Teela is concerned when He-Man does not respond. However, she should ultimately be concerned with one last member of the Horde!
Turning around, Teela steps back, “What’s so special about you?” Mantenna can only grin, “Let me see…”
Hissing out loud with eyes popping out, Mantenna zaps Teela with some stun beams!
Crumpled on top of He-Man’s body, Teela rests her head to the side, totally stunned. Mantenna looks on in complete shock, “Di-di-did I do that? Is it possible that I will be the one to take over this run down castle?”
Knocking loudly on the door, Mantenna tries to mask his voice, “Heelllo! It is me! Heee-Maan. I would like to go inside this funny looking castle! For tea! And crumpets!” Mantenna snickers, “This is a great plan. Hordak will be so proud.” Only Mantenna does not hear the sound of a figure swooping down from above.
Planting a sharp swift kick to his chest, this mysterious hero kicks so hard Mantenna’s eyes bug out! “Sorry Mantenna, I don’t think anyone is home. Maybe come back later?”
Looking on at the chaos around her, She-Ra shakes her head, “My dear brother. Look what happens when I’m not here.”
After helping Teela and He-Man up, She-Ra sighs, “The Horde will never learn.” He-Man nods, “Of course She-Ra. We’d be out of a good job if evil took a day off.” Teela shakes her head, “Who writes this crap?”
Suddenly our heroes hear yet another strange noise, almost in a whisper, “Modulok.” She-Ra groans, “Oh brother.” Teela gasps, “That thing looks hideous!” He-Man points, “Gang, we’re in trouble.”
“Modulok… Modulok… Modulok, Modulok, Modulok, MODULOK!!!” As Modulok transforms into an even more hideous creature, our heroes prepare for a fight for the ages!
With flying fists from all directions, She-Ra, He-Man, and Teela fight against the vile Modulok in the hopes that Castle Grayskull can be saved yet again!
And now, a word from Miss M…
In today’s Vintage Toy of the Month, I tried my best to share the joys of the old school Modulok. He is a fabulous toy and full of transforming fun. However there can be a downside to all those limbs. He-Man and She-Ra had no idea that danger can be found in numbers. Remember to always be careful around groups of suspicious people, particularly those with insectoid parts and hair that moves. Think safety. Until next time.