Well, it’s that time once again. Time to beat the heat and escape to the multiplex for homoerotic superhero movies about Nordic Gods, overpriced popcorn, and crowded theatres with too many trailers and too little parking. Here’s my calendar of movie picks. Lets hope for a decent summer movie season, I’ll see you all at the movies:
May 6th:
Thor- Summer starts really early (this weekend in fact) with the release of the sure to be homoerotic movie of the Marvel Comics God Thor.
May 13th:
Bridesmaids- Hopes to prove that all chick flicks don’t have to suck. This could be a sleeper and a nice change of pace for people who are not fans of stuff blowing up.
May 26th:
The Hangover Part 2- Looks just as terrible as the first film but fans will be out in droves. If you loved the first one, this looks like more of the same, if you didn’t love the first one, you can avoid this uninteresting carbon copy.
May 27th:
The Tree of Life- Long-delayed Terrance Mallick flick starring Brad Pitt should be visually stunning at the very least.
June 3rd:
X-Men: First Class- With a solid cast and a cool storyline, X Men: First Class might just be a first-class superhero flick worth checking out.
June 17th:
The Green Lantern- Looks like far too much CGI and far too little inventiveness but superhero fans will be there to give the movie support. This one could go either way.
July 1st:
Transformers: Dark of the Moon- More giant robots, explosions, and noise. It should be a monster hit.
July 15th:
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2- I checked out on this series years ago but fans will be eager to see how it all ends. Bring tissues along with your magic wands.
July 22nd:
Captain America- After the death of the El Diablo himself Osama Bin Laden, patriotism is at an all time high in America. What better way to celebrate than to watch Captain America kick some Nazi ass. I’m there. USA! USA! USA!
July 29th:
Cowboys and Aliens- Your guess is as good as mine on this one……..
August 19th:
Conan The Barbarian- Should be mindless fun.
Aguust 26th:
Final Destination 5- The series about Death itself that just won’t die. The last one was fun so this one should be the perfect way to end the summer.
What movies are you most excited about? Tell us and comment below and on our Facebook link and I’ll see you all at the movies!