I thought I’d be sick with mashups by now but the artists behind these are pretty damn creative. Earlier this week, Kuno reported about the adorable Hello Kitty/Superhero mashup. Today, we’re presenting you another combo that nerds love: Street Fighter and Tron. Tron Legacy has really brought out the creativity with fellow nerds. According to geekologie, the artist behind this latest mashup is Boss Logic. I love how the costume creates the light source for each artwork.
Let’s check them out:
C. Viper
Evil Ryu
Ken ready to disco
Ryu always ready to take on all challengers
Chun Li’s outfit reminds me of Tron the most
Vega, she’s pretty…
I wish he did Balrog instead of Abel, still awesome!
Blanka looking more badass than ever
M. Bison looks great but I think it would’ve been better with his trademark dark red colors
Akuma always turning his back on his fans
Which one is your favorite?

Jan 16, 2011 -
Cammy and Blanka look pretty cool.