A Tribute For The King Of Kong Douchebag

Okay, maybe Billy Mitchell isn’t as bad as the documentary portrayed him to be. But, he was such an arrogant ass in The King of Kong. If you haven’t seen this documentary, you need to check it out. It follows the story of two Donkey Kong players as one tries to break the other one’s record. Billy Mitchell was the record holder, and Steve Wiebe is the typical family man trying push Mitchell out. It’s very entertaining, and serious at the same time.

Nintendo decides to honor Billy Mitchell by adding him in the Wii game called Donkey Kong Country Returns as an easter egg tribute.

Here are some screen grabs from NeoGaf:

donkey kong A Tribute For The King Of Kong Douchebag

donkey kong 2 A Tribute For The King Of Kong Douchebag

Notice something from the first photo that resembles anything from the second photo?

pixel A Tribute For The King Of Kong Douchebag

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