Transformers: Their 3D Profile

So as most would know, the models for all autobots were modeled in Maya, textured using Photoshop and Zeno, followed by ILM’s proprietary software (with a bit of Maya) to create some kickass SFX/VFX scenes. This info was taken from Computer Graphics world, a pretty spiffy magazine dedicated to VFX and 3D animation. Anyway, here are the stats for some of the bots:

Parts: 2411
Polygons: 433,949
Rig Nodes: 8924
Texture Maps: 1437
Volume of all parts: 10,325 cubic ft.

Optimus Prime
Parts: 10,108
Polygons: 1,830,898
Texture Maps: 2336
Volume of all parts: 5445 cubic ft.

Parts: 7608
Polygons: 1,511,727
Rig Nodes: 19,722
Texture Maps: 8094
Volume of all parts: 1069.01 cubic ft.

Autobot Totals:
Polygons: 7,435,478
Rig Nodes: 95,247
Total miles if pieces placed end to end: 3.11 mi.

Total for all robots:
Parts: 60,217
Polygons: 12,509,502
Rigging Nodes: 144,341
Texture Maps: 34,215

Ohhhh boy, procrastinate once and you’re fired. There leaves no time for slacking off here folks, that rendering time sure does take up almost half of your life.

Let me know if you’re not familiar with 3D modeling/animating and are lost with the terms– I can explain. 3D is another language of its own; there are no synonyms for its terms.

pixel Transformers: Their 3D Profile

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