Transformers: More Years Than Meets The Eye!

Hey readers, what’s up?! With the new movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen coming out just around the corner, I have a few fun tidbits that I think would interest you.

In the early to mid 70’s in Japan they had a line called Diaclone which featured a plethora of figures that people who grew up in the 80’s hold dear to them.

Here is Diaclone Convoy (Optimus Prime), looks the same except for the obvious graphic on the side of his trailer and Rollar having some riders (I would like to thank AUTOCON for having the picture).

 Transformers: More Years Than Meets The Eye!


Enter into the 1980’s where Hasbro took the line and turned it into the Transformers featuring the Autobots and Decepticons (formerly the Cybertrons and Destrons, in Japan). Optimus Prime was born and the rest is history!

I consider myself lucky and unlucky to see Transformers from the beginning to beyond, however I have a gripe about the way Megatron was treated. In G1 he was tough as nails–in the pilot he takes out Prime and puts Starscream in his place. As the show progressed he continued to be tough, but at the same time he was getting knocked down a lot.

Fast-forward ahead to the present to Transformers Animated – Megatron is a head for most of first season, then he becomes nastier than I think kids should have seen.  For the show being comedic at times and focused towards a younger group, it was pretty serious at times especially with the drama between Optimus Prime and Black Arachnia.

My gripe however is from the 2007 movie.  How is it possible for Optimus Prime to say his famous line “One shall stand and one shall fall” for the big finish and then having Megatron defeated by a kid!  AND, how can building-sized killing machines be defeated by the army!  Fantasy is all well and good, but in the G1 cartoon, humans were all worms to the Decepticons and got thrown around like rag dolls – tanks and other assorted weapons were nothing more than annoyances.

In the end, the movie had some great effects, especially the day-time shots where the robots looked real.  Barricade was cool and some-what frightening, and Bumblebee was right to toss away the Volkswagen Bug to be the beautiful concept or 09 Camaro.

I die inside seeing the toy for Soundwave in the new movie, DEPRESSING!  The Soundwave Scion Xb of the TF animated is cool though, it has a lot to do with him such as the tapedeck controls and cassette style doors and “door” on his chest, but a jet AGAIN!  AND a satellite!  Triple-changer Soundwave…NO!

Soundwave and Buzzsaw 248x300 Transformers: More Years Than Meets The Eye!

Nothing beats the classic's!

All in fun, everyone has their own favorite character and as my motto goes: Soundwave is god, death to Starscream!

So, what are your favorites???

Till next time, Later.

pixel Transformers: More Years Than Meets The Eye!

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