We want to congratulate John-Luke Pollock for winning the Threadless iPhone Case Contest. It wasn’t the long response that got him the win but the weird love he has for the iPhone that we can all relate to. Below is his response:
“Dear iPhone,
You have been the most beautiful and awesome phone since I first bought you. I love you like a brother. No, I love you like a lover. You may act ghetto sometimes with the freezing, and glitching, but I understand. Your memory is filled with tons of music we don’t even listen to and downloads of every free app I could find. You’re not as sharp as you used to be. You’re old and outdated. You are about to have grand kids this fall, for Christ’s sake. Even with your old age and my abusive nature, you still stand strong and give me the best mobile phone experience I have ever had. And that’s what makes you stand above the rest. Every other phone would have given up and left me months ago, but you have stuck through. We have been through everything together. The good, the bad, in sickness, and in health. I love looking back at the pictures of us happy together in the bathroom mirror. I also found those “straight face trying to look cool for Facebook” pictures that I forgot to erase. Either way, I can’t imagine my life without you, man. And that’s the truth.
Sincerely, Your best bud John-Luke”
First he loves the phone as a brother, then a lover, and at last as a best friend. Wait…what?
Congrats again to John for his clever response.
Thanks to Threadless for the contest. You can check out their cool iPhone cases here.