The Mad Musician – Doctor Steel

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When you think of a global dictator, you think of a tyrant, who wants power and nothing else. Well, Doctor Steel wants to be a global dictator, but he isn’t a tyrant. He just wants the whole world to be one big happy place. That’s something we can all hope for. How will Dr. Steel accomplish his goal? By having his toy soldiers (fans) from all over the world, spread his word through his music.

Dr. Steel’s music is hard to describe. Think circus tunes, add a little bit of rock and metal and what you get is a tune that is unique and catchy. While most musicians promote themselves through mainstream advertising, Doctor Steel does it through his toy soldiers and the internet. To get a better understanding of Dr. Steel, we interviewed the mad musician:

Read the interview after the break.

NerdSociety: When did you start getting involved with music?
Dr. Steel: I’ve always been interested in music, or more specifically, sound. As a child I spent a great deal of time creating and experimenting with strange
noises. Having been exposed to Spike Jones and the City Slickers at an early age, the impression they had on me was a powerful one.

NS: Are you a one man show or do you have a band?
DS: All of the audio experimentation that I have created has been produced in the privacy of my own laboratory. I work best when alone and am delighted with the technology of today, for without it I would not be able to independently assemble my ideas. With this, my goal is to build a robotic band as to be able to perform my music live. Unfortunately I currently lack the resources to efficiently produce this mechanical band. So, in the interim I must hire human musicians to perform my work on stage.

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NS: What musical style has influenced your music? And in that style, which icon has influenced you?
DS: Inspiration comes from all sources and I have never been interested in choosing just one genre of music. I feel that by choosing a genre, I would
only limit my possibilities. With this, artists ranging from Tom Waits to Trent Reznor have inspired me as well as Pink Floyd and Pantera. Inspiration
comes from all sources and not all of them are strictly music related. I draw just as much inspiration from Nikola Tesla, Zecharia Sitchin and Norma Desmond.

NS: What instruments do you use?
DS: Anything that I can get my hands on. I am far from being a virtuoso on any one instrument; I simply use any tool that I can in order to bring my
visions to life.

NS: I know you want world domination so everyone can be happier, how many toy soldiers (fans) do you have and how many do you need to accomplish your goal?
DS: The Army of The Toy Soldiers grows on a daily basis. To provide an estimate would only prove inaccurate as by the time that this article is published, the community will have grown a great deal. Tens of thousands of creative individuals from across the globe continue to enlist in The Toy Solder Army and their vision is spectacular. I am continually impressed with their smashing imagination and support. It is with such inspired initiative that we shall see a change in the world.

NS: If you are made ruler of this world, what would you do to the other rulers of the world?
DS: Well, each case is unique of course but I would encourage them to find their sincere talents and pursue them. Any overcompensation through power as the result of personal insecurity results in a negative outcome. This can be avoided by following one’s talents and passions. It is this path that I encourage in The Utopian Playland.

 The Mad Musician   Doctor Steel

NS: I’ve seen your toy soldiers in Hollywood, bombarding tourists with your message and music, where else (cities, landmark) have you shown your presence?
DS: The Toy Soldiers continue to impress me a great deal with their creativity and initiative. Toy Soldier Invasions have taken place from sea to shining sea. Very active Toy Soldiers in Australia have made a very powerful impression in the land down-under. Likewise, various Divisions from the
United Kingdom have shown great support. Toy Soldiers in America exist in each and every state of the country and Divisions are growing larger each
day. It is because of these supporters that the Army grows so very quickly and I am ever so appreciative of their work. It is this unified vision and
collaborative effort that allows me to remain focused on my work while they spread the propaganda to the masses. I look forward to obtaining more
resources in the future so that these fine Soldiers can spend more time enjoying my creations and attending events of my design.

Video of the Toy Soldiers in Hollywood:
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NS: The way you promote things, do you fear that people will be against it; for example, they would think it’s propaganda?
DS: People often fear what they don’t understand and that is precisely why I am proud to call my guerilla advertising propaganda. It is propaganda. I am utilizing the tried and true techniques that governments have been using for ages. The tools of modern technology allow for slightly different avenues of brainwashing, but it is basically the same technique that many governments have used in the past. My goal is to showcase these tools as to educate the masses. It is imperative that the people recognize the manipulative techniques of those who seek to control them, for when you learn the tricks of the magician, the magician ceased to have magical powers.

NS: I’ve noticed that you have some subliminal messages in your music. Is your aim to hypnotize the listeners into worshiping you like a god?
DS: I find it interesting that you have located subliminal messages in my music, for I haven’t yet learned how to effectively do that. Please do share what you have heard in my work and perhaps I can fine tune that to work best for my agenda.

NS: Some fans have mentioned that your real identity is Grant Morrison, what do you think of that comment?
DS:I cannot confirm or deny my involvement or knowledge of Mr. Morrison, his associates or his previous work.

NS: Where can the readers hear your music?
DS:Much of my audio experimentation and general madness can be found at . Likewise, should you wish to peruse various online
locations distributing digital music such as Napster, or iTunes you shall find my albums available for preview and download.

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NS: Do you have any nerdy traits?
DS:Ah, by all means I do consider myself to hold a great deal of nerdy traits. I enjoy reading far more than watching sports and if given the choice to
attend a party or spend the evening alone with a collection of robot parts, I would choose the latter.

NS: Before we go what do you want to say to your fans out there?
DS:Thank you ever so much for the tremendous support and shared vision. Your creativity and imagination inspires me and I look forward to releasing much more madness in the near future.

End of Interview

If you want find out more information about Doctor Steel, visit his site at We want to thank Doctor Steel for the interview and wish him the best on his quest for global domination!

On behalf of Dr. Steel and Nerdsociety, we’re giving away a free Dr. Steel DVD.  The winner will be randomly drawn after the contest ends.  Please e-mail us with the title: Dr. Steel DVD. Contest ends at midnight, October 22, 2008.  

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