Warning! This trailer contains some graphic… uh, zombie killing…. as you can imagine. Gives a whole new meaning to the term “double-tap.” Apparently, this teaser debuted during the Season 4 premier of Breaking Bad.
I actually starting watching this show half-way through Season 1 and had to go back and catch up the previous episodes on demand. It’s a great show with decent acting and lots of good old fashioned zombies. I’m sort of partial to the zombies who do that slow meandering walk like they woke up with a hangover. There’s also plenty of irony and absurdity as one would expect of a flick about the dead coming back to life.
Despite rumors pointing at a July release date, it looks like fans will still have to wait until October, which is fitting for a show like this. One piece of good news that we can rely on is that season 2 will have 13 episodes instead of the 6 they gave us for season 1. Here is the teaser for Season 2:
Walking Dead Season 2 Teaser
[Source: Deadline]