Recently, the state of Tennessee passed a backwards time-traveling bill forbidding elementary and middle school teachers from using the word “gay” in their curriculums( source: MSNBC). That is, the word cannot be used to describe people who self-identify as gay or lesbian. The original version of the bill literally stated that no K-8 teacher “could provide any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality.'” But out and proud nerd icon George Takei has taken a definite stance on this issue with his “just say Takei” idea.
The genial George (aka Star Trek`s Mr. Sulu) suggests that there is no need for anyone to feel upset by this bizarre campaign: instead of saying “gay” in everyday life, simply substitute his name, “Takei!” For example, you could say you are in favor of “Takei marriage” or “Takei rights.” If your school bans the mention of non-straight folks in health or history class, ask about “Takei studies.”
Personally, as a Straight Ally, I`m proud of George Takei for highlighting the absurdity of the Tennessee bill. In my view, one of the best things about being a nerd is inclusion. We are black, white, straight and gay, and we work in many different professions. Many of us are open-minded people who embrace human rights in all its forms, regardless of other political views. Who better to champion progress for any oppressed group than a fellow nerd?
Related to our interests, there is the strong representation of famous gays in the sci-fi and fantasy world, including director James Whale ( the 30`s versions of Frankenstein) and writers Samuel R. Delany, Alice Sheldon (aka James Tiptree, Jr.), and Clive Barker, to name but a few. Alan Moore identifies as straight, but often features “alternate lifestyle ” themes in his graphic novels. There are easily enough connections here for several volumes.
So let`s cheer GT for taking on the gay gag order for schools. If nothing else, it has to call attention to the fact that you can`t deny something like basic sexual orientation, and that pretending there isn`t more than one is a huge denial. Follow George`s advice and have a Takei old time!

May 31, 2011 -
This infringes on the 1st Amendment rights of Americans. It wont last, one cannot tell you that you cannot say a word. I dont agree with people using Gay in a hateful way, but if they pass this, then they have to pass bills saying you cant say, cracker, and other words used to describe another person, which i wont list because ill be sure to be flamed for it.
Jun 1, 2011 -
I’m sure they know this won’t last. It’s probably just about making the word taboo in the realm of political correctness. As of now, it’s pretty socially acceptable to say and many use it as an adjective which has negative connotations not necessarily relating to sexual orientation.