MOTUC 2015: October- Perfuma, Skeletor, and He-Man!

MOTUC 2015: October- Perfuma, Skeletor, and He-Man!

It’s a jam-packed month for Masters of the Universe Classics as October finds a way to be terrifying yet smelling so sweet. Let’s get into it!

IMG 8196 MOTUC 2015: October  Perfuma, Skeletor, and He Man!

Up first is a two pack that I will not be opening. There are many reasons for that, mostly because I have a lot to say about Perfuma. Terror Claws Skeletor and Flying Fists He-Man come packed in the same two pack box set that other MOTUC releases have had before. Visually it is a very nice two pack.

IMG 81991 MOTUC 2015: October  Perfuma, Skeletor, and He Man!

Flying Fists He-Man is the weaker of the two for me. The armor and face sculpt …

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MOTUC 2015: July- Peekablue!

MOTUC 2015: July- Peekablue!

I am seeing something She-Ra. I am seeing that beyond the Whispering Woods there is a magical figure that has traveled a long way. My omnivision tells me that Peekablue is the Masters of the Universe Classics release for July, and she is finally here! Let’s check her out.

iphone 046 MOTUC 2015: July  Peekablue!

Peekablue is one of the Princess of Power figures from the MOTUC line and she comes in the regular MOTUC packaging. I am fond of Peekablue. Her powers in the She-Ra cartoon made her an important force in the Great Rebellion. However I was more closely connected to her vintage toy release. …

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MOTUC 2015: June- Multi-Bot!

MOTUC 2015: June- Multi-Bot!

The always awesome Paladin has already reviewed the slithery Sssqueeze, but the love for Masters of the Universe Classics still goes on for the month of June with the look at Multi-Bot! Like the transforming body combinations of Modulok, Multi-Bot is a MOTUC figure with some variety! Let’s check this out!

001 MOTUC 2015: June  Multi Bot!

Multi-Bot comes with a special box. The cover art for this box is perfect. The large image of Multi-Bot is fearsome in his standard look. However it is the tiny images all around the box that add to the overall awesomeness. The various forms that Multi-Bot can take are endless. …

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MOTUC: 2015; April- Angella!

MOTUC: 2015; April- Angella!

April is the month for angels. That’s not really true. I’m just actually thrilled that Angella was released in the Masters of the Universe Classics line after all these years! That’s right folks, the Queen of Brightmoon is here and with her release, fans now have the entire first series of vintage She-Ra figures in Classics forms!

IMG 4259 MOTUC: 2015; April  Angella!

Angella fits nicely in the standard MOTUC packaging. She looks beyond cool with her wings and stance in pack. It makes me question my motives for removing her, but come on now, she is totally getting out of her bubble.

IMG 4261 MOTUC: 2015; April  Angella!

Flipped around the card …

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MOTUC: 2015; March-Huntara!

MOTUC: 2015; March-Huntara!

Spring is upon us and while we stop to smell the flowers, let’s just take a step back inside, to play with our toys. March brings with us nothing but allergies and of course the latest release from the Masters of the Universe Classics line! All the way from Silax comes Huntara!

004 MOTUC: 2015; March Huntara!

Fan favorite from the She-Ra cartoon, Huntara comes packed on the regular card and bubble that the MOTUC figures have been released on for years.

0051 MOTUC: 2015; March Huntara!

The back of the card is also a standard card with shots of the other figures available. Some really nice Princess of Power figures …

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Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December- Spinnerella!

Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December- Spinnerella!

001 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Spinnerella: Hmm… I wonder how much longer…

005 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Spinnerella: My goodness, the time. I’m also so hungry, but I’m afraid if I leave I’ll miss her…

011 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Irma: Hi, can I help you? Have you been waiting here long?
010 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Spinnerella: Oh hello! Yes, I have actually been waiting for awhile. I was looking for Miss M? We had an appointment.

007 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Irma: Oh, she should be here soon.
009 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Spinnerella: (sighs) Ok. I suppose I can wait just a little longer…

012 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Irma: (walks off) Cool. Well, see ya. And don’t take anything. I’ve counted the flowers.

Another few days later…

013 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: December  Spinnerella!

Spinnerella: I am so hungry.…

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Masters of the Universe Classics: December- Gwildor and Mermista!

Masters of the Universe Classics: December- Gwildor and Mermista!

We are in a new year, but there is still time to check back on the final 2014 releases of Masters of the Universe Classics! December 2014 was a banner month for the toy line as fans got two figures in the main subscription: Gwildor, and my personal favorite, Mermista! So let’s check everything out.

001 Masters of the Universe Classics: December  Gwildor and Mermista!

Up first is Gwildor. Released on a larger card and bubble, Gwildor is a slightly smaller figure based on the 1987 Masters of the Universe movie. He might be small, but he comes with some heavy duty accessories. His staff and two versions of the Cosmic …

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MY Top 10 Toys Of 2014!

MY Top 10 Toys Of 2014!

It’s that time of year again, it’s the top ten toys, but not just anyone’s, it is MY top ten toys. The list consists of what I got this year regardless of its release date. Number 1 was a tough decision, but I think I chose wisely.

So, let’s begin!

HeMan MY Top 10 Toys Of 2014!

10. HE-MAN—the selection of He-Man seems to take number 10 every year for me, I guess there really wasn’t anything that stood out to the point of dragging one of the individual figures to the top five. However, this selection featuring Blade from the movie, Extendar and even the ‘Unnamed …

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Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: November- NA She-Ra!

Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: November- NA She-Ra!

The Masters of the Universe Classic releases are far from over as we have one more figure to look at from last month, and that is Galactic Protector She-Ra! As part of the Club Etheria mini subscription, Mattel issued out a newly designed She-Ra figure for the first time in a very long time. However, all is not what it seems. Let’s check things out!

007 Masters of the Universe Club Etheria: November  NA She Ra!

Here we have She-Ra, released for the New Adventures faction of He-Man. Fans had been teased about a She-Ra variant for some time, though most fans had speculated that the variant would be a Starburst She-Ra …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: November- Tung Lashor & Arrow!

Masters of the Universe Classics: November- Tung Lashor & Arrow!

It’s been awhile, but the time to look at the November Masters of the Universe Classics releases is at hand! It’s been a jam packed few weeks with the holidays and my shipment arriving at the tail end of the month, but I have looked at everything and taken some notes on the releases for November. I have a lot to say, so let’s jump right in!

There were two items released for the regular subscription in November, a beast and a basic figure.

001 Masters of the Universe Classics: November  Tung Lashor & Arrow!

Tung Lashor was the figure for November and he strikes a slithery fear in the hearts of …

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