Masters of the Universe Classics Filmation Special: Sea Hawk!

Masters of the Universe Classics Filmation Special: Sea Hawk!

A whole New Year is upon us and before the 2014 Masters of the Universe Classics subscription kicks in, I thought it would be fun to take a look at a 2013 release: Sea Hawk! This heroic Etherian Pirate has long been on many a fan’s wish lists, and in 2013 Mattel made those wishes come true. Released as the special subscriber only figure from the Filmation mini sub, Sea Hawk somehow made it over to my well manicured hands. (Thank you eBay.) Let’s look!

Before we get into the fun details of the figure, I thought it would be important …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: June- Octavia!

Masters of the Universe Classics: June- Octavia!

As we step into the hotter months of the year, Masters of the Universe Classics also heats things up with long awaited releases all summer long! June kicks everything off with the first ever release of Octavia, the wicked tentacle-swinging warrior!

0051 Masters of the Universe Classics: June  Octavia!

Let’s just jump right into it! Octavia comes packed in the standard MOTUC packaging. Even in the package, this is a figure that just looks amazing. Octavia appeared in a few episodes of the She-Ra cartoon, but she was never released as a figure until now. The wait has been worth it.

0061 Masters of the Universe Classics: June  Octavia!

Looking closer at the figure we can see …

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Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!

Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!

This past weekend Mattel dropped some big Masters of the Universe Classics surprises at the 2012 Power-Con. There is talk of a preorder system for an all new MOTUC Castle Grayskull! A new Castle Grayskull! But wait… there’s more! Aside from the tease of a potential Grayskull, there were also three new images of upcoming figures for the 2013 MOTUC subscription. Let’s check out some pictures from the Power-Con and then have some Toy Talk!

grayskull 1 Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!

grayskull 2 Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!
These images of Grayskull are from the prototype to the original Grayskull. It appears that the new Grayskull will be based off of that design. From …

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