MOTUC 2015: May- Blast Attak!

MOTUC 2015: May- Blast Attak!

What an interesting figure for the month of May; it is Blast Attak! Packaged as usual on the standard card.

BLst ATK 1 MOTUC 2015: May  Blast Attak!

One of the last figures in the line, Blast Attak has mixed origin stories that are made more complicated in the bio on the back.
To simplify, we will use the story from the mini comic he came with called “Revenge of the Snake Men.” So, what does this mean? It means that the snake sticker on the front is accurate! Something in MOTUC is accurate!!! The end of the world is approaching…

Blst Atk 2 MOTUC 2015: May  Blast Attak!

Blast Attak was created by King Hssss, he …

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MOTUC: 2015; April- Angella!

MOTUC: 2015; April- Angella!

April is the month for angels. That’s not really true. I’m just actually thrilled that Angella was released in the Masters of the Universe Classics line after all these years! That’s right folks, the Queen of Brightmoon is here and with her release, fans now have the entire first series of vintage She-Ra figures in Classics forms!

IMG 4259 MOTUC: 2015; April  Angella!

Angella fits nicely in the standard MOTUC packaging. She looks beyond cool with her wings and stance in pack. It makes me question my motives for removing her, but come on now, she is totally getting out of her bubble.

IMG 4261 MOTUC: 2015; April  Angella!

Flipped around the card …

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MOTUC: 2015; March-Huntara!

MOTUC: 2015; March-Huntara!

Spring is upon us and while we stop to smell the flowers, let’s just take a step back inside, to play with our toys. March brings with us nothing but allergies and of course the latest release from the Masters of the Universe Classics line! All the way from Silax comes Huntara!

004 MOTUC: 2015; March Huntara!

Fan favorite from the She-Ra cartoon, Huntara comes packed on the regular card and bubble that the MOTUC figures have been released on for years.

0051 MOTUC: 2015; March Huntara!

The back of the card is also a standard card with shots of the other figures available. Some really nice Princess of Power figures …

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MOTUC 2015: March- Exclusive Figure “Oo-Larr?”

MOTUC 2015: March- Exclusive Figure “Oo-Larr?”


What the hell is this? Naked He-Man? You know if you look close enough, he appears to resemble the He-Man from the original mini comics…but the name is wrong, it was He-Man who left the jungle to protect Castle Grayskull and Eternia—not to mention the two halves of the Power Sword. Why does the package say Oo-Larr?

I’ll tell you why; the terminated Scott Neitlich was still in grade school and was playing his own game sitting on the floor with his He-Man guys. Now, I don’t blame him for the shipping …

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MOTUC: 2015; Feb {Part 1}-Ninjor!

MOTUC: 2015; Feb {Part 1}-Ninjor!

It’s a dream come true, a great set of figures for the month of February—enough so, that January’s Lizard Man is a thing of the past.

In this; part 1; we have Ninja Warrior…huh? Are you telling me that Mattel lost the rights to the name Ninjor? Not so powerful of a company are you?

Anyhow, I think I found a new favorite Classics figure—not the number 1, but up there with cool ones like Stinkor and Trap Jaw.

Ninjor 1 MOTUC: 2015; Feb {Part 1} Ninjor!

Ninjor is packaged as usual.

Ninjor 2 MOTUC: 2015; Feb {Part 1} Ninjor!

The back of the box has a load of bull shit in the bio section.

Ninjor 3 MOTUC: 2015; Feb {Part 1} Ninjor!

Out of …

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MOTUC: 2015; Jan-Lizard Man!

MOTUC: 2015; Jan-Lizard Man!

The claim from Mattel is that the line of Masters of the Universe Classics action figures is coming to an end this year—that can always change. So, until that happens, I and Miss M will call it “The End”.

UPDATE:  Oops! we were lied to, there is a 2016 line coming, it was just a way to get sales, so Management was canned for false advertising and breaking the law–I hope they suffer for it, it will make up for all the people they screwed; if you don’t agree–blow me!

For the month of Jan we have a long lost Filmation …

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Custom Catra!

Custom Catra!

Sometimes you just have to go for it, you have to take something that you want to make better and get risky by applying paint, or trying your hand at sculpting; maybe even sew something up to enhance the piece to your liking…

C Catra 0 Custom Catra!

My first customized action figure (since I was a kid). I chose Catra from the Masters of the Universe Classics line. Now, Catra was nice to begin with, sculpted in the form of the 80’s Filmation cartoon character from She-Ra, Princess of Power. However, I really wasn’t happy deep down inside; so what to do? I’ve always been …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: Jan- Netossa

Masters of the Universe Classics: Jan- Netossa

It is time for a look at the start of an all new year for Masters of the Universe Classics! 2013 is seeing the start of a really special year for MOTUC fans with the release of Netossa a member of the Great Rebellion. Netossa is the captivating beauty from Etheria and shows just what makes the Princess of Power characters so special to the MOTUC line.

Before we get to the figure, it is important for a brief toy history lesson to truly understand why Netossa’s release is so important. There was once a time in the not so distant …

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Thirty Years Of MOTU: Nov- Dekker And King Randor!

Thirty Years Of MOTU: Nov- Dekker And King Randor!

Paladin here, welcome to another thrilling episode of Masters of the Universe Classics! This month features two pretty cool characters and a selection of great photos and commentary. Joining me once again this month is Miss M who will be taking over MOTUC in 2013. So, let’s get on with it, starting with Dekker!

The 200X series–AKA MYP (Mike Young Productions) of Masters of the Universe added a bunch of new characters to try to broaden the story that was started in the early 80’s. One of the coolest characters was Dekker, the trainer of Man-At-Arms.

Dek 1 710x1024 Thirty Years Of MOTU: Nov  Dekker And King Randor!

The figure comes packaged as …

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