Masters of the Universe Classics: July- Flogg!

Masters of the Universe Classics: July- Flogg!

With 2015 being dubbed the final year of Masters of the Universe Classics line as we know it, the rest of 2014 seems to have a different feel to it. I have been collecting the MOTUC line since its debut about six years ago. A great deal has happened during those six years and so far many of the releases this current year have been fantastic. Take for example the New Adventures of He-Man faction. This has been a part of the line that has grown on me, so let’s look at the basic figure release for July: Flogg.

004 Masters of the Universe Classics: July  Flogg!

I will …

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Masters Of The Universe Classics: June-Extendar!

Masters Of The Universe Classics: June-Extendar!

As the most powerful Editor-In-Chief in the universe I stole this months MOTUC review from Miss M in a power play…just kidding, I actually bought Extendar from her and said I’d do the review because I wanted to open him…

On we go!

Extendar came out towards the end of the line in the 80’s and was one of the coolest figures that Mattel had offered for the masses—however, he was a bit harder to find then many of the others. I do however, remember going to a place called “Kiddie City” and there was a huge wall full of MOTU …

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Vintage Toy of the Month: Tekken 3!

Vintage Toy of the Month: Tekken 3!

It’s time for an all new Vintage Toy of the Month! This month features a special look at a toy line that I wanted to share because it was inspired by the recent Tekken MZ fanfic by NERDSociety’s own editor-in-chief, Paladin! He has been crafting a really great fanfic. I’m playing catch up, and am half way through Part 1 and it is very entertaining. He knows his stuff on these characters. So with all the love for Tekken right now, it only made sense that the Vintage Toy of the Month would do the same.

So let’s look at the …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: May- Battle Lion and Scorpia!

Masters of the Universe Classics: May- Battle Lion and Scorpia!

Masters of the Universe Classics showed no signs of stopping with the double feature for May. A standard figure and beast sized figure were released for subscribers and day of sales. Both releases were new to collectors who have long dreamt of owning Battle Lion (King Grayskull’s Battle Cat) and Scorpia (another great Horde villainess.) Neither items have been made before and while there was the typical reuse of parts, there are plenty of new sculpt pieces that make this a month of some magnificent MOTUC collecting. Let’s look!

105 Masters of the Universe Classics: May  Battle Lion and Scorpia!

Battle Lion comes boxed in the usual packaging for a large cat-sized …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: April- Blade!

Masters of the Universe Classics: April- Blade!

The month of April may have started out for the fools, but the month can only end with the hack ‘n slash style of the evil master of swords: Blade! Not the vampire Blade from Marvel comics, but the very cool Blade from the Masters of the Universe Classics line! He was the only release for the Club Eternia subscription this month so without wasting any more time, let’s check out the first MOTUC release from the 1987 Masters of the Universe motion picture.

081 Masters of the Universe Classics: April  Blade!

Blade comes standard on a regular MOTUC card that we have seen for many years now with …

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Glamour, Glitter, and JemCon: The Truly Outrageous Fans of Jem and the Holograms Part 1

Glamour, Glitter, and JemCon: The Truly Outrageous Fans of Jem and the Holograms Part 1

The year was 1985 and cartoons had never been better. An entire lineup of animated awesomeness was available for young boys and girls to enjoy. There was a little something for everyone. All kinds of stories could be told on Saturday morning and eventually in weekday syndication. There was one show though that came along with all the glamour and glitter, fashion and fame that kids weren’t even aware they needed in their life.

Jem and the Holograms came out at a time when music videos and high fashion were being given a lot of exposure. Hasbro, Marvel Productions, and Sunbow …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: March- Hydron and the Unnamed One!

Masters of the Universe Classics: March- Hydron and the Unnamed One!

March is nearly over but we are far from finished discussing the releases from the Masters of the Universe Classics line by Mattel. March will go down as one controversial month for the fabled MOTUC line with the release of a New Adventures character in figure form and the unveiling of the mysterious figure: the Unnamed One! Well… at least we got a cool map? Read on for the look at these two figures!


0022 Masters of the Universe Classics: March  Hydron and the Unnamed One!

Originally released in the New Adventures of He-Man toy line, Hydron is the third Galactic Protector released for the MOTUC line (this includes NA He-Man.) He …

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Vintage Toy of the Month: Modulok!

Vintage Toy of the Month: Modulok!

Ready for an all new Vintage Toy of the Month? I know it has been awhile since our last outing into the world of all that is good and vintage, but this latest vintage toy should more than make up for that. If you’ve been following the toy chatter around here than you have probably looked over the recent article about the all new Modulok that came out from the Masters of the Universe Classics Line. Well, thanks to the kind and gracious Paladin (NERDSociety’s editor-in-chief) I was sent a really cool vintage Modulok from the Masters of the Universe toy …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Part 2- Glimmer!

Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Part 2- Glimmer!

A look at the February Masters of the Universe Classics releases continues with this second part featuring the rebel princess of Bright Moon: Glimmer! This long awaited release has been a special treat for fans so sit back and enjoy this look at the one and only guide who lights the way!

012 Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Part 2  Glimmer!

Packed on a standard card, Glimmer comes with the Princess of Power logo sticker across the bubble. Her coloring is bright and filled with all the whimsy from Etheria and the Whispering Woods.

014 Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Part 2  Glimmer!

Turned around, the back of the card shows off some other POP releases including Man-At-Arms. I …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Part 1- Modulok

Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Part 1- Modulok

February was a special month for the Masters of the Universe Classics line. So special in fact that I had to break the figure reviews into a two part extravaganza! After all, Modulok and Glimmer are two very important releases that deserve their own articles. I also am slightly delayed with my musings on these two figures, but the articles are finally here along with some fun pictures! So let’s look at the first character from February: Modulok. Modulok. Modulok!!!

002 Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb Part 1  Modulok

Modulok came packed in a box. No blister or card needed for this unique figure; just a nice box with image …

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