K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction. Part 6.

K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction. Part 6.

Due to the vintage instrument that Nao uses and the lack of official artwork on the entire internet, I figured that I’d show all the things that make MY VERSION of Nao, Nao. The Roland G-707 in the center is just awesome and the GR-700 Synthesizer pedal box that goes with it is just as cool. Also included are Nao’s current headphones and even her glasses. Send out the Nao love!

Keion!!!! K-ON!!!! “Dust in the Wind” Part 6.

Last time Nao and Sumire were joined by their band mates and began setting up for the recording of their album and

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K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction.  Part 5.

K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction. Part 5.

In this Photoshop created cover, the focus is on Nao (left) and Sumire (right). The purpose of this cover is to highlight how far both girls have come since their high school days as beginners, to the current story where they are just as well pros.

The text boxes are small, so below is what I wrote in each:

“Nao has come a long way from hiding backstage performing live mixing at shows. She has become almost center stage as she performs live with her fellow “Wakaba Girls” and her vintage Roland G707!”

“Sumire had once been a novice drummer, a

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K-ON!!!!  “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction.  Part 4.

K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction. Part 4.

To Akira’s black and gold “Tuxedo” Gibson Les Paul Custom, Yui says “It’s Black Gita!” Well, courtesy of a friend, here is “Camo Gita” an Epiphone Les Paul Custom Zakk Wylde with custom graphics. The blue is my project Strat and the gray is my beloved Ivanka Ibanez. As you can see, “Yui” is draped over the Les Paul, how fitting.

Last time, Yui showed her worth as a teacher and an influential group formed to pull Ritsu in the right direction—this story continues now. After; a big day for Azusa and Jun—but, be warned, there are very graphic depictions; READER

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K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction.  Part 3

K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction. Part 3

Ui loves her Onee-Chan and in this framed photograph from high school, she and Yui are playing music together. Ui plays the Castanets and Yui her Gibson Les Paul Standard—also known as Gita!

Last time: The story of the destruction of friendships and the discomfort shared by Ritsu and Mio. Now, K-ON!!!! Continues with Yui and Ui on a lighter note and dinner with guests at Mio’s, enjoy!

“All my dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosity…” ‘Kansas.’

Sakuragaoka High School had gone through very few changes throughout the years since Yui and her friends had graduated. The only real noticeable …

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K-ON!!!!  “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction: Part 2.

K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction: Part 2.

Back in 2007 Kakifly released the first story of K-ON! And this photo of Mio and Ritsu in their first year of high school after forming the Light Music Club showcases what a lot of 15 year old girls would do with some photos. Note the tabs on the corners for putting it in an album—hey, its 2007, digital was blooming, but people still liked albums…!

Last time, Ritsu witnessed the coming together of “The Wakaba Girls” and their popularity as a band. She saw old friends and spoke with a new. Nao warned her that Mio was not ready—ready for

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K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction.

K-ON!!!! “Dust In The Wind” Fan Fiction.

Taken from the Manga by Kakifly. From left to right are Ui, Nao, Azusa, Sumire and Jun–The Wakaba Girls!

The fan fiction…there are so many out there, but this one is mine. A fantasy written by a fan of a show, character, book, etc… How would I see these characters? This is what the writer of a fan fiction would say before they put pen to paper.
The intention is not to break copyrights or piss off other fans; it is to let the fans share their own ideas or fantasy of what they would do with their favorite characters—its also

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K-ON! The Movie: DVD Review!

K-ON! The Movie: DVD Review!

KON Movie1 K ON! The Movie: DVD Review!

New on DVD and Blu-Ray is “K-ON! The Movie,” which features the conclusion of the Anime series. “K-ON! The Movie” tells the final tale of the Light Music Club as they decide to take a trip overseas before their graduation from high school.

Mio, Ritsu, Yui, Tsumugi and Azusa find themselves on their way to London England after their pet turtle chooses the location by way of tea cup. Mio is elated and their junior Azusa jumps in on planning their itinerary for them.

Once in London, the girls have to battle the language barrier, try to find …

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K-ON: Mio And Ritsu, Figma Action Figures!

K-ON: Mio And Ritsu, Figma Action Figures!

K-ON! or Keion, a Japanese Anime that features a band of 5 girls from an all girls school—The Light Music Club! The Light Music Club plays mostly Bubblegum Pop reminiscent of the fictional band “The Archies” from Archie comics and the Filmation cartoon and quite possibly, they could even be compared to “The Monkees.”

Keion F 6 K ON: Mio And Ritsu, Figma Action Figures!

Consisting of Yui, Tsumugi, Azusa, Ritsu and Mio, the band”After school Tea Time” or “Ho-kago Tea Time” endures adventures and misadventures as they go through high school and graduate. In the span of about 40 episodes and one movie, the girl’s build a strong and everlasting friendship …

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