Vintage Toy of the Month: Modulok!

Vintage Toy of the Month: Modulok!

Ready for an all new Vintage Toy of the Month? I know it has been awhile since our last outing into the world of all that is good and vintage, but this latest vintage toy should more than make up for that. If you’ve been following the toy chatter around here than you have probably looked over the recent article about the all new Modulok that came out from the Masters of the Universe Classics Line. Well, thanks to the kind and gracious Paladin (NERDSociety’s editor-in-chief) I was sent a really cool vintage Modulok from the Masters of the Universe toy …

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Masters of the Universe Classics Review: Mantenna!

Masters of the Universe Classics Review: Mantenna!

It has been awhile, hasn’t it? There have been a good number of Masters of the Universe Classics released in the last few months, but I have been unable to review them. There is a reason for that, one that I will get into soon. Before I do, I thought it would be nice to take a look at the October MOTUC release: Mantenna!

021 Masters of the Universe Classics Review: Mantenna!

I want to start with showing what was printed on the white mailer box: instructions for creating Mantenna’s eye effect. The way in which the Four Horsemen designed Mantenna was pure genius.

025 Masters of the Universe Classics Review: Mantenna!

I’ve always been a fan …

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