Anime Vegas 2012 Highlights

Anime Vegas 2012 Highlights

DSCN1794a Anime Vegas 2012 Highlights

Anime Vegas 2012 was held at the Cashman convention center over this past weekend. The facilities were beautiful and provided a great venue for the event. It seemed as though there were many more attendees than previous years and the cosplayers were amazing as always. Click here to view a slideshow of the Anime Vegas cosplayers.

Here are some of the highlights from Anime Vegas 2012…

The Cashman convention center is a huge space with a lot of room for the many vendors that offered a great selection of things like plush toys, posters, t-shirts, keychains, DVDs, costumes and cosplay …

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Manga Review: Oishinbo: The Joy Of Rice

Manga Review: Oishinbo: The Joy Of Rice

Oishinbo 808x1024 Manga Review: Oishinbo: The Joy Of Rice

In 1983, writer Tetsu Kariya and artist Akira Hanasaki began a series of manga chapters that spanned over one hundred volumes, called Oishinbo.

Oishinbo: A La Carte is a manga-sized print telling the best of the stories. These stories are informative and funny–based around a newspapers cultural staff, the main character Yamaoka is constantly put to the test to prove his mettle with food. Most chapters consist of Yamaoka proving that he knows how to make the best tasting foods and which are the best.

The book itself has a recipe in the beginning–this one is how to make rice and …

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Manga Review: Black Lagoon-008

Manga Review: Black Lagoon-008

Blk Lag 820x1024 Manga Review: Black Lagoon 008

From VIZ media comes the adult aimed “Black Lagoon.”

Both the story and art are done by Rei Hiroe.   As with a lot of manga the creator or artist will write and draw the book themselves.

The art itself is simply, classic manga gray-scale with an anime tone to it, (meaning it’s more cartoony than “life-like.”)

The story itself is a mish-mash of different military groups and mercs in a race to catch a trained killer who is also a maid (also classic to the Japanese fantasy culture.)

This book warns of explicit content so the kiddies don’t read …

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