Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb- Ram Man & Jitsu

Masters of the Universe Classics: Feb- Ram Man & Jitsu

February was a big month for fans of Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Classics. Two heavy hitters were released together: Ram Man and Jitsu. These two fan favorites have long been wanted on many collectors’ lists, so let’s check out some of the goods, starting with Jitsu!

Jitsu is a standard MOTUC figure and dubbed the Evil Master of Martial Arts. The coloring for Jitsu is nice and bold. He also comes with a large golden fist fixed in a chopping pose. A katana and two kama swords are also included. The kama swords also snap into his back. Jitsu also …

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Masters of the Universe Classics: Jan- Netossa

Masters of the Universe Classics: Jan- Netossa

It is time for a look at the start of an all new year for Masters of the Universe Classics! 2013 is seeing the start of a really special year for MOTUC fans with the release of Netossa a member of the Great Rebellion. Netossa is the captivating beauty from Etheria and shows just what makes the Princess of Power characters so special to the MOTUC line.

Before we get to the figure, it is important for a brief toy history lesson to truly understand why Netossa’s release is so important. There was once a time in the not so distant …

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Vintage Toy of the Month! Glimmer!

Vintage Toy of the Month! Glimmer!

The 15th of every month marks an all new Vintage Toy of the Month on NERD Society, and today we will be looking at Glimmer, the guide who lights the way for the awesome members of the Great Rebellion. All of this hails from the vintage Princess of Power toy line by Mattel.

So before we get started, let’s have some toy talk. For those who have been living under a rock (or maybe weren’t born yet) the Princess of Power toy line was a highly successful line that was aimed at girls who wanted in on the Masters of the …

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The Return of She-Ra?

The Return of She-Ra?

For awhile now, DC has been releasing a series of digital comic shorts (via Comixology) for the Masters of the Universe. Each digital comic dedicates a brief story to a particular character in the MOTU mythos. Very recently, a new digital short (8th in the series) was devoted to the most powerful woman in the universe: She-Ra.

Spoiler alerts abound, so do not read any further if you have not read the comic yet.

despera The Return of She Ra?

The story revolves around Adora before becoming She-Ra. In fact, Adora is not referred to as Adora, but as Despera. The Horde is in control of Etheria …

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Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!

Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!

This past weekend Mattel dropped some big Masters of the Universe Classics surprises at the 2012 Power-Con. There is talk of a preorder system for an all new MOTUC Castle Grayskull! A new Castle Grayskull! But wait… there’s more! Aside from the tease of a potential Grayskull, there were also three new images of upcoming figures for the 2013 MOTUC subscription. Let’s check out some pictures from the Power-Con and then have some Toy Talk!

grayskull 1 Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!

grayskull 2 Toy Talk! MOTUC Castle Grayskull!
These images of Grayskull are from the prototype to the original Grayskull. It appears that the new Grayskull will be based off of that design. From …

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Thirty Years of MOTU: May- Stinkor, Slush Head, Snake Mountain Stands And Man-At-Arms!

Thirty Years of MOTU: May- Stinkor, Slush Head, Snake Mountain Stands And Man-At-Arms!

StinkO 1 693x1024 Thirty Years of MOTU: May  Stinkor, Slush Head, Snake Mountain Stands And Man At Arms!

Probably the most long awaited character in the MOTU Classics line, Stinkor features a ton of accessories and even a scented body. Embedded with patchouli as the original figure was, Stinkor can clear a room keeping He-Man and his warriors at bay…Apparently, even Skeletor and his group doesn’t want to be around him either.

StinkO 3 822x1024 Thirty Years of MOTU: May  Stinkor, Slush Head, Snake Mountain Stands And Man At Arms!

Donning the orange armor that he shares with Mekaneck, Stinkor also has his blue shield and the recolor of Mer-Man’s head. If original Stinkor isn’t your thing, he comes with everything you’ll need to turn him into 200X Stinkor.

StinkO 4 590x1024 Thirty Years of MOTU: May  Stinkor, Slush Head, Snake Mountain Stands And Man At Arms!

Including an alternate head, a blue gas mask, …

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She-Ra: Princess of Power!

She-Ra: Princess of Power!

For years I’ve been trying to get a hold of a decently carded She-Ra from the vintage Princess of Power toy line and that day has finally come!

SheRa Vint 1 658x1024 She Ra: Princess of Power!

She-Ra: The Most Powerful Woman in the Universe, is the sister of He-Man OR her true identity of Princess Adora is the sister of Prince Adam, the true identity of He-Man: The Most Powerful Man in the Universe. (Of course, most of you already know that)!

She-Ra is copyrighted 1984 and is an action doll, she was built like an action figure but has rooted hair and cloth clothing. She-Ra includes a multitude …

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Matty-Script: Aug- Man-E-Faces And Megator!

Matty-Script: Aug- Man-E-Faces And Megator!

It took 8 months but I finally have a subscription order that made me really happy! In the past I’ve been moderately satisfied with a shipment, but this is different!

ManEFaces1 712x1024 Matty Script: Aug  Man E Faces And Megator!

Man-E-faces is a figure that I have always liked when I was a kid and he is a big deal now–maybe even bigger. Man-E-Faces is a figure best opened however Matty has stated that there wont be anymore reissues of figures from Man-E-Faces on, so plan to see aftermarket prices triple instead of double for the figures that are being released from this point on. The worse part is, I didn’t …

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Matty-Script: Jul- Clawful!

Matty-Script: Jul- Clawful!

Clawful is AWFUL!!! …but, He-Man will defeat him and his menacing grip of evil!!!

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What a cool figure for this month. I remember having Clawful when I was young and he was one of the best new–at the time–characters that had come out. Half man, half crustacean, Clawful has a great classic sculpt to the point that he looks just like the original. Clawful’s head is simply one of the most detailed parts on his body but that’s not all, physically, he has full body detail with wavy ridges on his legs and scaly detail on his shoulders. The upper paint …

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Castle Grayskull Restored To All It’s Glory!

Castle Grayskull Restored To All It’s Glory!

In 1982 Mattel offered the first Masters of the Universe play-set in the form of Castle Grayskull. Made of green molded plastic, this large home to the heroic Masters of the Universe has become an icon of 80’s culture.

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Castle Grayskull has a ton of play-value which begins with the castle in the closed position, the detail for such a large piece is excellent even if it’s just brick-work in green with black shading. The “face” of the castle is formed by blackened eyes and a nose with a toothy mouth that functions as the JAW-bridge (draw bridge). In order …

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