When I first got the shirt from Threadless, I knew that the design looked familiar, but I couldn’t figure out where it’s from. After looking at it closely, and doing the math, it made sense. “This is from that Atari game back in the days,” I thought to myself. Then, I googled the popular games, and came across a game called “Space Invaders.” I played the game as a kid.
The design on the shirt consists of pixelized Aliens descending from the skies, into the photo-realistic, black and white buildings. The shirt is very appealing, especially to fans of the classic game. But, the design is very busy down below, and can take a few seconds for people to get the joke. At first, it can look like jigsaw puzzles. However, after carefully looking at the design, one would start recognizing what the white patterns are.
As usual, the shirt quality is very good. It is soft and comfortable. If you haven’t yet, take a look at my other shirt review for more details about this shirt quality. Threadless’ shirt qualities are pretty much similar one way or another.
This shirt is very cool, but the only minor complaint I have, which I mentioned above, is that the design might be a little too busy for people to get the idea, right away. I personally don’t mind. What matters to me is that I get the joke, and the shirt looks nice and feels comfortable. But, I can understand why others might complain.
I recommend this shirt, especially for the classic gamers.
Grade: B