Meet Annissë. She’s been cosplaying for more than a decade and she’s also a professional self trained fashion and costume designer for 20 years. She likes making her costumes out of latex. So when she saw a pic of Quorra from Tron Legacy, she knew she had to that costume. I first saw a pic of Annissë through Ejen Chuang’s Cosplay In America. After I saw the awesome pic, I knew I had to track her down and ask her about the costume. Not only does she look like good as Quorra but the freaking lights in her costume illuminates. This is what I love about cosplayers, they’re always creative and will never give up until they get the costume right. Below is our discussion regarding her love for Tron and cosplay experience:
NERDSociety: Were you a fan of the original Tron?
Annissë: I was a fan of the original Tron. I was 8 years old when the movie hit the theaters. I can appreciate much more now the movie’s “cutting edge” technology of its time.
How long did it take you to create the Quorra costume from beginning to end?
I have made two versions of my Quorra costume. The 1st one was before Tron Legacy was released. I made it in one month in August of 2010 for the sci-fi movie fan convention Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia. I worked on my costume from start to finish, everyday straight while working a at my full time job. The chest, A-symmetrical skirt and arm armor was made with craft foam with a matte black vinyl overlay. The bodysuit was made with two types of materials. I didn’t have the HEX print material at the time so I found a fabric close to it for the upper half of the suit. The lower part of the suit, the leggings, was a black 4-way stretch pleather fabric, it was perfect for the wet, latex look of Quorra’s suit in the movie. The boots were purchased online and I used craft foam to cover the boots to design them as hers. It was not easy working on this costume in such little time. I had no idea how I was going to accomplish it. It was a last minute decision and as with every costume I make, it is my passion and I wanted to get it done on time for the convention. My 1st Quorra costume attempt was made with reflective tape only for the light strips, looks great with flash photography.
My 2nd Quorra costume was revamped using black heavy gauge latex sheeting for the chest, A-symmetrical skirt and arm armor pieces. Thanks to a member on the RPF (Replica Prop Forum) site, I had the HEX pattern print screen printed onto some black athletic stretch fabric I purchased and used the same material for the leggings from my original bodysuit. Most importantly, my Quorra costume is now illuminated using EL Wire (Electroluminescent Wire). Thanks again to one of the RPF members for sharing his ideas on diffusing the El Wire to get it to look like the light strips as seen in the movie.
I will be making a tutorial to explain how I made my Quorra costume and the diffusing process of the El Wire. There are several different types of lighting sources you can use, El Tape, El Sheet, even Light Tape, which is pretty pricey, but I choose the El Wire because it was the easiest to work with and for its flexibility, unlike the others.
What was the hardest part?
Everything! I don’t even know where to start, from trying to fit the armor to your body, to, how I am going to mount the El Wiring to one central location to light it up, right down to installing the El Wire into my light strip patterns. When you have no replica of your body torso, it is almost near impossible to get a flat piece of craft foam and then latex sheeting, on my 2nd attempt, to form properly to your body, but somehow after many days, I finally got the fit I wanted. Dealing with the El Wire was tedious but again, costuming is my passion and I love a challenge! The end result is the most rewarding.
You went to a Tron Legacy screening with fellow cosplayers, how was the experience?
You feel like a celebrity for a day. Some people in the theater were like, how did you know what her (Quorra) costume would look like? People asking for pictures, or silence would hit the room we would walk into and everyone starring. HA!
What did you think of the movie?
It was stunning, visually. Which mostly everyone I have spoken to and reviews online I have read from the critics have said this as well. Story line was farfetched and vague. Disney has not officially announced it, but there most likely will be a sequel. Will be interesting to see what becomes of Tron/Rinzler and of course Sam and Quorra, off to “change the world”, we shall see. Basically, as good as both the visuals and the musical score were, when combined, their impact was greater than the sum of its parts.
Was it your favorite movie of 2010?
Yes but that’s because I don’t get out to the movies much with my work schedule. 🙂
Would this Quorra (Annissë) ever go out with Sam Flynn?
Sam seems intriguing enough, a little high strung and mischievous, like myself. He’s confident , brave hearted, strong and a little invincible. Doesn’t care about the consequences and more about his experience, knows how to take care of himself. I am (Quorra) still getting to know him and HELL, he’s the son of my creator, so, yeah why not!
Are you going to dress up as Quorra for future conventions?
Of course! Will be wearing my Quorra costume again to WonderCon, San Diego Comic Con International, Long Beach Comic Con, and Dragon Con 2011.

When the costume isn't being used...
What’s the next costume for you?
I always have so many costumes I want to work on, with so little time. Right now I am working on a waitress costume from the End of Line Club from Tron Legacy, but it will be the Concept Art version. I am going to work on a SIREN costume, from Tron Legacy, as well which I will be in a group of Sirens for SDCC 2011. I am also planning on Kotobukiya Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.0: Asuka Shikinami, SPIKE from Back to the Future II, she was in Griff’s gang. I am a big BTTF fan and own a Delorean. Disney’s Twisted Princess’, still working on which character costume I will be making, again, this will be debuted with a group at the SDCC 2011. I would also love to try and fit in for 2011 the DC Direct Ame-Comi Heroine Series: Duela Dent as The Joker, the alleged daughter of The Joker.
Besides making costumes, what else are you into?
Dancing! besides that making costumes is my hobby and leisure time.
I want to thank Annissë for the interview. Make sure to check out her store at for more sexy costumes. She also takes commissions depending on her schedule and complexity of the project. You can also follow her on:
Flickr – more cosplay pics as well as hi res versions of the pics from this article.
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