AEmovieguy from youtube created this funny mashup trailer for Scott Pilgrim and Matrix. The editing style is the same as Scott Pilgrim but the scenes are from Matrix. It must have taken him a long time to edit this video but the final product is worth it!
Here’s AEmoviguy’s description of the video:
Once upon a time, while serving as battery fodder for machines who’ve imprisoned the human race to a cyber reality, Scott Neo Pilgrim met his dreamgirl, Ramona Trinity Flowers, at a Canadian collegian party for 30-year-old drug and prostitution ringers. Upon being freed from The Matrix, Pilgrim seeks out Miss Flowers, oblivious to the fact that Morphew Patel, the very man who took Pilgrim in, is an ex-boyfriend of hers. Enraged after seeing Pilgrim and Flowers getting flirtatious at the yearly Zion Stock, Patel challenges Pilgrim to a dojo duel for Flower’s hand. Following a narrow victory over Patel, Pilgrim has earned his trust and an explanation: Miss Flowers has Seven Evil Exes that Pilgrim must defeat to prove his heart muscle…but, hey, they can make out!