Shana “Scarlett” O’Hara has been with the G.I. Joe team since 1982, she had once had straight arms with 1 simple bend that was prone to cracking and the partial body of a male figure. Over the past 30 years Scarlett has evolved from a basic action figure, to having “NEW” Swivel Arm Battle Grip to full articulation and an anatomically correct body.
The G.I. Joe Renegades figure line features a great card with cartoon art of the character and show specific file cards.
Scarlett has an awesome sculpt that brings the cartoon character to action figure form. She has full articulation, a back hole for accessories and a few weapons including a good version of her crossbow and the “Renegades” specific blaster pistol. A figure stand is included also, this stand appears to be part of the modern line of action figures without anything different for the Renegades line.
The G.I. Joe Renegades Scarlett figure is one of my favorites for its sculpt and package graphics both front and back. Scarlett is a must have for collectors because of the quality and also because of the fact that she was one of the original figures in the G.I. Joe line.
GRADE: A (For Awesome!)