Robert Rodriguez’s Predators Trailer Is Up And Hound Picture

Yeah, I know, Robert Rodriguez is only producing.  But this trailer makes me excited for a Predator movie again.  The  human characters look interesting enough that when they get killed off one by one, you’ll actually care.  Also, the Predators actually look like their counterparts from the 1st and 2nd movie, not the roided versions from AVP 1 and 2.

Just like humans, Predators also have dogs:

predator hound Robert Rodriguezs Predators Trailer Is Up And Hound Picture
Predator Hound, I wonder what their lions look like

Hot Toys will also produce the 1/6th figures, click here for the full details and pics of the older Predator versions.

pixel Robert Rodriguezs Predators Trailer Is Up And Hound Picture

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