From Slashfilm, a prequel to Planet of the Apes (not the Tim Burton version) is scheduled to be released Summer 2011. The biggest news, and the saddest for the purist Ape fans, is that 20th Century Fox announced that the Apes will not be played by humans. They will be in CG created by WETA Digital, the same fellas behind Avatar.
I am normally against CGI based movies, such as the super awful 2012. But, with the right guidance, CGI can be utilized very well. In this case, CGI Apes might work best for the success of the film. The Tim Burton Apes were cool looking, but still look fake nonetheless.
The story will be set in San Francisco, as team of scientists create Intelligent Apes. Guess what happens next? So far, John Lithgow, Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire) and James Franco are on board for the film.