Comic book artist, Michael Turner passed away on Friday, June 27th, he was 37. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2000. Even though the cancer was treated, it kept coming back and finally got to him. Turner was best known for Witchblade. Later in his career, he worked with DC and Marvel. More info about his life at
I’ve met Michael Turner several times at comic conventions. Every time I met him, he was always friendly and appreciate of his fans. He even had a free mini seminar about getting into the industry in one of the conventions. He was currently working with DC at the time and told us about the guidelines they set for him. He said it was a challenge and that’s why he loved his job. Just talking about comics, brought a smile to his face. He was excited to talk about future stories and how great they were going to be.
The last time I met him was about 2 years ago at Wizard World in Los Angeles. He didn’t look as energized as the previous times I’ve met him. He was sitting down in his booth and signing autographs. I wanted a Batman figure signed so I lined up. The person in front of me had a sketchbook and asked Turner if he can draw something on the sketchbook. The line was long so Turner said that he could only sign. But after a few seconds, he told the guy to come back at a certain time and promised him a sketch. That’s the way I’ll always remember Turner, a humble guy who loved and excelled at what he did: a comic book artist.
![R.I.P Michael Turner pixel R.I.P Michael Turner](
John Spartan
Jul 1, 2008 -
Oh wow, he was one of my fave artists. I loved his style of drawings. He will be missed.
Shane O’Brien
Apr 28, 2009 -
Its been almost a year since we lost this amazing talent. His works are sorely missed. He was one of my biggest inspirations and had a way with his drawing that had never been seen before.
Shalei Fulgencio
May 7, 2009 -
Agreed.. he was the first dc comic artist to have inspired me to put more realism into my in peace Michael Turner..;'( cant wait to meet you in heaven one day..
Dec 30, 2009 -
I’m glad I had his work aspired me !
Sid Vane
Jan 19, 2010 -
We have lost a future (would have been) legend. I first saw a rework of the Worlds finest book, with Michael at the drawing helm. I was hooked. His style was energetic, dynamic, what an influence he made on how I see, and would see comics, and the visual medium. I always say; Image is everything, and Michael understood that in spades. From the above comments I see I’m not alone in feeling this. I only saw Fathom after his work on Batman/Superman (Worlds Finest). What a truely great loss for those who eat live and breath comics and their production.