Paramount announced today that it has changed the release date of GI Joe: Retaliation from June 29, 2012 to March 29, 2013. Paramount’s official reason is they’re converting the movie to 3d to make more money. When was the last time you heard a movie studio admit to greed?
Sources have informed NERDSociety that the real reason is plain and simple: It SUCKS. It doesn’t take a rocket science to figure this out but test screenings (as recent as last week) didn’t go well. Plenty of the audience preferred the original to the sequel, which Paramount wasn’t happy about. I actually enjoyed the first movie and majority hated it so take the report for what it’s worth.
SPOILERS – Don’t read further if you don’t want major spoilers…
*************Retaliation might be doing reshoots as Duke dies in the movie. Maybe Paramount thought it was good to kill off the crappy acting of Channing Tatum but most test audiences were confused why the main character from the original died and teased in the end of the sequel that he might be alive. **************************
End Of Spoiler.
So there you go, the real reason Paramount is pushing back the release date is because the test audience didn’t like the movie. It doesn’t make sense that they want to convert to 3D now especially that 3D movies aren’t cash cows that they used to be (Underworld: Awakening, Phantom Menace, Avengers is a recent exception). This is Paramount’s last ditch effort to salvage GI Joe: Retaliation, especially after Hasbro’s other big budget movie bombed,”Battleship.”

May 24, 2012 -
I could tell the movie sucked just from the first trailer. Killing everyone is just a cheap way to do a story in response to all the good actors and characters from TROC being smart enough to not be a part of this sinking ship–they read the script and said: “Later hacks!”
The Rise of cobra was a great movie (until the last 15 minutes) and the same people should have stayed involved to continue it. Who is Cobra Commander in the 2nd movie? It’s not JGL? Where is Destro? Did the Flagg get blown up to kill Baroness? Lame.
Retaliation features a bunch of washed up actors and non actors, with just 3 or 4 returning from TROC–and as much as I know you hate Tatum, he is still better than Dwayne and Bruce put together–I’d never see Tatum’s other movies, but he was fine as Duke.
Thanks for getting this info–for quality G.I. Joe, either watch the original cartoon or G.I. Joe Renegades!
Miss M
May 30, 2012 -
Yeah when I first saw this trailer I was entirely confused about the change of direction with an all new cast. I don’t mind new characters, but I enjoyed the original cast too. As for the spoiler, I don’t think I’d mind that character being killed as part of the story, however if the whole cast looks like a new one, it just seems kinda odd.
I hope they can fix it, because I was looking forward to this movie. I would love to see Zaranna in a G.I. Joe movie, but either way I am hoping everything will be ok.
Aug 19, 2012 -
That’s pretty bad considering the first was horrible to begin with. This goes further to reinforce my belief that hollywood doesn’t know what it’s doing any more and hates fans. The original comic series is still the best GI Joe.
Aug 20, 2012 -
Should be called CGI Joe.
Mookie Wilson
Nov 1, 2012 -
Sounds like that idiotic XMen 3. Out of nowhere, a major character just casually dies without any additional explanation. You’d think with the millions they spend, they could pay someone to read the script and point out how stupid it is!
Nov 16, 2012 -
Zombies will now be included in the movie.
Dec 2, 2012 -
So a movie that made over $300 million is a “bomb”? Thats what battleship earned.
Apr 15, 2013 -
So, now that the movie has been released and, well, it was pretty damn good (when compared to its predecessor).
I’m wishing I had read this article last year after it was written. I read the same review from the test audience. For the most part they enjoyed it but… BUT didn’t like that there wasn’t more dealing with the relationship between Duke and Roadblock. They didn’t “reshoot” anything. They shot more footage, the scene at Roadblock’s house with his kids.