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Welcome readers! We at have a treat for you! We were able to interview an awesome Twitch streamer for your entertainment, so check it out; I think she will amaze you!
NERDSociety: Thanks for taking the time to interview with us at, would you share with us your name and where you are from?
Glitzy: Hello! My name is Glitzy and I am from Texas!
NS: When did you first pick up a video game controller—or—was it an arcade game? What game was it? Did this particular game get you interested in video games for life?
Glitzy: I first picked up gaming when I was very little. My brothers and I had the original Nintendo and played Mario all the time. I can remember playing a lot of Dragon Warrior IV which I think is what got me hooked on playing fantasy games.
NS: What were some of your favorite video games before you started streaming? Why?
Glitzy: My first MMO was a game called The Realm. I started playing it when I was in middle school. After that I got EverQuest which I loved! When I got EverQuest 2 I made really close friends with everyone in my raiding guild and even visited them at the SOE Live Convention in Las Vegas.
NS: What made you want to start streaming? How did you find out about Twitch? Did anyone help you get started?
Glitzy: My first Twitch experience was sparked by the “Twitch Plays Pokemon” hype. After watching other streamers I wanted to start my own channel because it seemed like a great way to meet players that shared my gaming interests. My friend GirlHeroLori did help me a lot in the beginning with her setup tutorials on her blog.
NS: Is it complicated to get connected and to stream for the public over the internet?
Glitzy: There’s a lot more to streaming than viewers may see. Behind the scenes is a very complex desktop with tons of different windows and programs open. Technical problems are unavoidable sometimes so it can be frustrating, but luckily the internet has good resources for fixing any issues that may rise. It took me some time to figure out my settings, find my groove, and be comfortable on camera.
NS: Of all the equipment you use to stream, what are your top 3 favorite pieces? (IE: Chair, mic, the computer itself). Why?
Glitzy: The first thing I bought to step up my ‘streaming game’ was the Logitech C920 webcam. It has fantastic quality and a must-have for anyone that plans to have a face-cam. I also love having two monitors. When I started streaming I only had one. I remember trying to read chat on my iPhone! Lol! So when I raised enough money to buy a second BenQ monitor it really made streaming a lot easier. My third favorite piece is now my Astro A50 headset. I enjoy having a wireless headset and can’t imagine using a wired one again.
NS: What do you hope to get out of streaming? Is it something you do to entertain for fun, money or fame? Do you enjoy talking to the chat?
Glitzy: Streaming has been a way for me to overcome some social anxiety. I tend to keep to myself and have trouble making friends. When I stream, I am able to interact and meet people that share my same interests. Someday I’d like to stream full-time and get a sub button for my channel. Chatting with my friends about the games I love is the best part!
NS: What are your favorite games to play as you stream on Twitch? What do you like about them to want to play them for other people’s entertainment?
Glitzy: I mostly play Guild Wars 2 on Twitch. It’s my favorite game and one I have been passionate about for many years. I don’t think of myself has “entertainment” but rather a source for information for anyone interested in learning more about Guild Wars 2. I also like making craft tutorials for my blog and want to pursue that on the creative side of Twitch. Mostly I just enjoy helping people.
NS: What do you do when you are not streaming? Do you have a daily job, do you just hang out or is streaming your job?
Glitzy: After I graduated from college with my bachelor’s degree, I decided to attend cosmetology school. I have been a professional hairstylist since 2008. I’ve worked as a salon manager and also owned my own business for awhile. I’ve been wanting to turn my enthusiasm for gaming into a career, however, and hope to make streaming more of a priority.
NS: What are some hobbies that you have? How did you get started with them? Do you collect anything?
Glitzy: Other hobbies I have include crafting and making cosplay costumes. After attending a local comic con many years ago I completely found a calling in making costumes. I used my blog as a place to document my process and made tutorials for the characters I was cosplaying as. I like blogging because it’s a virtual scrapbook. It’s been a treat to go back to old posts and see how my crafting skills have improved over time. I’m thankful that many people have said my guides have helped them make their own costumes. To me that is the more rewarding part of it.
NS: How can people watch your stream? Do you have links to social profiles?
Glitzy: My live stream is on and I upload highlights to I am also on all social media platforms under the name “omglitzy”.
NS: What would you tell someone who wants to start streaming?
Glitzy: First I would suggest watching streamers to get an idea of how it works. (It’s never okay to copy someone else or steal their ideas, but it’s a good way to get some inspiration.) Google is also your friend!! Use it to find tutorials and guides for setting up streaming software, alerts, green screens, microphone settings, etc. There are so many resources out there, but you have to be willing to find them. Also, don’t get frustrated if you don’t have hundreds of viewers in the beginning. It takes time and patience to grow a channel and online presence. Mostly just have fun when you stream. If you are having fun and being yourself then you are doing it right!
NS: Anything else you would like to add?
Glitzy: Thank you so much for chatting with me!!
Thanks for interviewing with us at We wish you the best in the future—keep entertaining and enjoy yourself to the fullest!

Tracy Johnson
Jun 21, 2016 -
I was impressed by Glitzy`s versatility and her dedication to gaming. Also thought the interview was well done with a lot of good questions… I love things like this because they showcase the many interests of our fan community.