I have been working on I-no for the past couple hours now and usually I have some background noise going on to help me concentrate. This background noise has been nothing but Yu-Gi-Oh! Then I started losing concentration and started looking online for YGO stuff. And… I MISS MY FIRST DECK.
Seriously, that deck was unbeatable. It had the cards Power of Magicians (boosts attack power AND defense by 500 for every magic and trap card on the field) AND Power of Teamwork (boosts attack AND defense for every monster on the field) in there. I happened to get BOTH of those cards in one booster pack. What the are the chances of that? Plus, the deck also had the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and every single effect monster/trap/magic card that made summoning and protecting the Blue Eyes White Dragons totally easy. And of course, it had some cards to totally fuck up people’s current hand, their deck, and their side of the field. Ain’t telling ya which, because I have them in my second deck. Used to whoop asses left and right with that deck. As you can see, my deck revolved around those four dragons, but that’s not to say all my other monsters weren’t powerful. I had some level fours who’s attack power was 1800. 1900, even. Those are hard to come by. My current deck still revolves around the BEWDs, but it’s much harder to summon them. I haven’t given enough thought as to how it’s structured because no one plays anymore, but I sure am tempted to change it around a bit!
As for the show— hahahaha, the show is now ridiculous to me. I don’t know how the hell I was so obsessed with it in the first place. I mean come on– LIFE/DEATH situations over freaking cards?? The concept is just way too extreme on the silliness scale. I will give them credit though– they spend WAY too much time on Kaiba Seto’s animation and how he summons monsters and and uses magic/traps. Especially when it comes to the Blue Eyes White Dragon. They make the transitions look so damn epic and they seem to get better as the show goes on. With everyone else it’s just lay the card down, and monsters pop out. Kaiba, on the other hand, dances, raises arms, bends backwards— EVERYTHING, while at the same time announces at what he’s about to do with such feeling as the non-existent wind is blowing, WHILE there’s epic music playing. There’s so much going on whenever he duels, but it’s put together so well. I think that’s what makes him so damned cool, OVERLOOKING the fact that he’d spend millions and billions just to beat Yugi in a freaking duel. It’s ridiculous, but he’s so tripped up the ass that I can’t help but freaking love the guy. Kaiba’s the best, yo! Been a fan for seven years now. Whoa.
Agh, haha, all this talk makes me want to duel someone. Too bad no one plays the game anymore.