Sony has reported that their online service was hacked again yesterday, compromising 24.6 million accounts. Last week, Sony finally admitted their network was breached after consumers were outraged by not acting immediately on the issue. PSN has been down for about two weeks.
I’ve been moving so I haven’t had time to play PS3, but I hope I didn’t put my credit card info on their system. Supposedly you’re safe if you didnn’t buy anything from their rip off store.
Source: WSJ

May 3, 2011 -
Seriously, check your facts . Sony Online Entertainment was taken down as a precaution in relation to their investigation. This is not the same as the Playstation Network. You can’t hack a network that has already been taken offline. This was not a second hack ,but it is believed to have occurred in the PSN/Sony attacks April17-19.
May 3, 2011 -
Thanks for info. Article fixed.