Wii for the core gamer is here and hopefully it will grow.
Oh man oh man! Time to either dust off your Wii or buy one.
I have several very exciting titles to run over with you guys. 1st we have Vanillaware’s (makers of the more recent Odin’s Sphere) new and vibrant 2D masterpiece Oboro Muramasa Youtoden. I believe this is Vanillawares 3rd game. The 1st was a Saturn masterpiece that slipped under the radar called Princess Crown. Due to poor marketing, the game went down and resurfaced about a decade later, due to popularity of Odin’s Sphere.
With strong, lush visuals like the image on top, I hope they stray away more from Odin’s Sphere’s repetitive, scrolling backgrounds and give us a more traditional side scrolling format.
No pixels in sight! What a dramatic shot. Hard core gaming 101, this is how you set a benchmark in the 2D realm.
Next we have Treasure’s Sin and Punishment 2.
Only a few outside of Japan got to experience Nintendo 64’s most hardcore title and only a few more recently for the 1st time here in the west, via Virtual console on the Wii.
This is an action-packed rail shooter, much like Panzer Dragoon or Star Fox. What makes rail shooters so unique is the very limited control of where and when you progress through the stage. The biggest upside to this “go where it takes you” gameplay , is it makes it like a kick-ass roller coaster with some awesome direction behind it. This provides a more cinematic feel.
I played the 1st one and loved it! This looks like it may hold up to the original pretty well; furthermore, it looks like motion controls cater to this installment, this time around.
Next we have the sequel to one of gaming’s most lovable and awaited sports inspired titles, PUNCHOUT 2!
Man this is really really classic. I waited so long for this one myself. I honestly thought with the great success of the 1st two, we would see a sequel, which would have been real easy to make on both the GBA or the Game Cube.
DA DA DA KAIZAH!! Von Kaizer here, sporting that trademark stash of his. It looks like this too will utilize motion controls, but a lot more polished than that bargain bin, dust collecting, game disc of an abortion known as Wii Sports (yeah, I went there, you bitches ain’t playing that shit unless your grandparents or sick little cousin are in town). *cough* but yeah about time ^_^
This is one of the most racist pieces of media in existence and we love it! It’s all so true and no one is left out of the stereotypes.
That is the round up for this preview. I hope some of you out there will try one of these soon-to-come titles and tell me what you think. Until next time, keep mashing them buttons, and eating in between each push.
BTW here is a quick rundown for E 4 All….SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! It was like going to a huge Gamestop/Target and seeing a lot of shit you already own.
![Polycraptaculus! Wii for The Core Gamer is Here! pixel Polycraptaculus! Wii for The Core Gamer is Here!](http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png)