Peter Gabriel Protests the Oscars

peter gabriel 1 Peter Gabriel Protests the Oscars 

I was really into cyberpunk movies back in the 90s, so that’s where I would hear Peter Gabriel’s music. The first time was in Virtuosity in 1995. The name of the song was “Party Man,” and it was a fitting song after the climax of the movie. The next time I would hear him again was in The Fifth Element in 1997. His song “Little Light of Love” was playing at the end credits and it was a nice song to compliment the techno opera song performed by that weird blue alien diva.

Yes, I was excited when I heard the news that Peter Gabriel received a nomination for “Down to Earth” in WALL-E. The song’s very fitting for the end credit, especially since it’s about how the people are going back down to Earth and rebuilding it. It’s a nice song about appreciating Mother Nature and I’m a sucker for movies with an environmental message (despite what the director clams).

The Oscars is just a few days away and I was really looking forward to “Down to Earth” being performed by Peter. The Oscars decided to cut each song to around 65 seconds long and to be part of a melody. Peter Gabriel isn’t having any of it, so he’s protesting by not performing since he thinks it’s a slap in the face to the artists.

A part of me is like, “Yes, they’re trying to make a more entertaining show.” My other part is like, “But then again, the Oscars are supposed to be about honoring the people behind the films.” I’m pretty sure nobody cares except for me, but I can’t wait to see how the medleys will turn out this coming Sunday.

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