The first movie set experience I had was for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man. Sony publicized they wanted as much extras as possible for a Green Goblin attack scene. I went with several friends and I enjoyed knowing what it took to shoot a movie: long ass wait time before each take, plenty of lights and more waiting. It’s funny that my second movie experience was for a Spider-Man movie, only this one is for an adult entertainment parody. I was invited by Vivid and director Axel Braun (Batman: XXX Parody) to check out what goes on behind the scenes with this type of movie.
I expected it to be shot in some old building with a dirty set but I decided to check it out anyways. I brought along my friend, Kelly, who’s more familiar with the adult entertainment than I am to ask the questions. I brought along my trusty Canon camera and off we went to the set. The place was in downtown L.A. and as we got to the three story building where people were walking out one door. One of the guys that came out was the producer for Spider-Man: XXX Parody, Shylar. He told us to be quiet and guided us inside. We walked as fast as possible passed the set because they were filming a scene between Spider-Man, Superman and Lex Luthor. I later find out that they’re also simultaneously shooting for Superman Vs Spider-Man XXX Parody which will be released in 2012. The building looks abandoned from the outside but the inside looks pretty damn nice. Second story was a set consisting of a big bedroom, looked real to me. Third floor, I couldn’t see anything yet.
Ash Hollywood and Xander Corvus as Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Shylar informs me that it usually takes nine days to shoot a title but the release date varies. He said they’ll release Spider-Man first so he’ll be introduced to the viewers and then he can fight Superman later on. Shylar introduces us to director Axel Braun. He’s sitting on a chair focusing on a small screen to see if they get the right shot. Each take probably took at least 30 minutes before he decided to go on a different angle. He’d instruct the actors:
“Drop Spider-Man harder on the ground.”
“Okay, now lets do another take that doesn’t suck.”
Shylar informed me that they were doing a photoshoot for Spider-Woman played by Jenna Presley in the third floor of the building. I follow Jenna to the third floor as Kelly goes to the dressing room to interview James Bartholet who’s playing Dock Ock. The photographer was setting up his lighting equipment. Jenna introduces herself to me and we talk how she got into the industry. She told me she was recruited when she was 18 at a strip club and she knew what she was in for. After talking for a bit, she mentioned she goes to church every Sunday. She said she’s sure some of the members know what she does for a living but none has asked what her profession is.
The backdrop and lighting is ready so they start the photoshoot. The photographer barely tells her what to do because she already knows how to pose for the camera. She was in her Spider-Woman costume and there was no nudity. I go back down to get Kelly and inform him about the shoot. I look at the set and now Lois Lane, played by Andy San Dimas, is in a cage next to Lex Luthor on the set. Me and Kelly go back up to the third floor. One of the assistants tell us not to go back down until the photoshoot is down. We were probably messing up lighting by moving around too much. Kelly interviews Jenna after the photoshoot and all of us go back down.
We watch the movie shoot and some of the dialog was funny as hell:
“You heard that Superman, she wants to F**K me even though I didn’t ask for it” – Lex Luthor
It doesn’t really sound funny thinking about it now but on the set, I couldn’t stop laughing. It must have been the delivery.
I go to the dressing room with Kelly as he interviews Xander Corvus, who plays Spider-Man. Corvus said he was exposed to comics growing up because of his dad. He said he’d be doing his own stunts and he knew parkour so he should be fine. He said he wants to check out the nerd related conventions including Comic Con, E3 and Anime Expo. He wears his Spider-Man suit and said something really funny and true: “If Superheroes wore costumes like mine, they wouldn’t save anybody because it takes forever to wear it.”
Next up was Andy San Dimas aka Lois Lane. She said she got into the industry because of “B” horror flicks. She said she likes reprising her role as Lois Lane. Before we could continue with the interview, Shylar tells everybody to be quiet. So we go and watch the shoot.
They’re doing a fight scene between Dock Ock and Lex Luthor against Superman and Spider-Man. Each take would take a long time because they had to fix the hair, costumes and props after each cut. The videographer would say “Don’t worry, it won’t be in the shot.” But Braun is a perfectionist so he’d call over the hairstylist to make sure everything looked good. He did this several times. He told us in between take that he wants his movie to be as authentic as possible. He grew up reading comics and watching the shows. He said that for Batman, it took him a while getting the right fabric for the Dark Knight because they didn’t make it anymore. He also wanted to buy the original Batmobile for the shoot.
Braun said he never liked the actors that played Lois Lane in the movies and wasn’t a fan of Kirsten Dunst as MJ in the Spider-Man movies.
“They’re ugly, but I’ll fix that in my movies.”
We talk to Bartholet aka Dock Ock and he was hilarious. He had some funny stories since he also works in mainstream projects. He said he met OJ Simpson before while shooting Naked Gun and discussed porn with the Golden Girls. He also did an impersonation of Principal Figgins from Glee. He said he used to be a comedian so he always makes everybody laugh. He said the adult industry is on a down swing because of the internet and people downloading the product. He hopes movies like the ones he’s involved in will bring back business because they’re different from the old days. He said a director like Braun has never been seen in the industry before, he cares about the production value as well as the acting. That’s why each scene takes so long, they have to re adjust the lighting, make sure the script (yes they do read scripts before the shoot) is correct. There was a lot of work involved.
Pizzas arrived so it was a quick 10 minute break for everybody. As I was eating the pizza, San Dimas walks towards the kitchen with a robe on. But she wasn’t hiding anything because her robe was open. It was awkward for me but no one else cared. Everyone was just eating away at the pizza while I pretend not to care as well…and glimpsing at her once in a while. In a way, it was liberating to see the cast and crew not make a big deal of sex. It wasn’t taboo for them anymore and no one made a big deal out of it.
Everyone gets back to work. This time San Dimas was naked behind Lex Luthor as the fight scene continues. They do takes after takes for several hours. Dock Ock would make funny poses whenever Braun said “Cut.” Dude was off the chain.
I talked to one of the assistants, Shorty. He said he’s been doing it for about about a month and he likes his job. He helps set up the lights and construct the sets. He said they work long inconsistent hours but it’s not a bad gig to have.
As we were leaving the set, Braun said that the Batman: XXX Parody will be released in Blu-Ray. He said it’s really clear and he can’t wait for it. Damn, this guy cares about video quality, he really is a geek.
We thank everyone for the shoot and call it a day.
Thanks to Kelly for contributing to this article.
Our pic with Jenna Presley aka Spider-Woman.
Here are more pics from the visit:
Producer Shylar looks over the cast as they read the script
Photoshoot for Superman Vs. Spider-Man: XXX Parody
Ryan Driller aka Superman getting his hair touched up before a scene
Where’s Spidey when you need him?

Superhero XXX Spoof Of The Day – TDW Geeks
Mar 9, 2011 -
[…] « Previous Sci-Fi Map Of The Day | Superhero XXX Spoof Of The Day Just because Marvel and DC Comics won’t let Superman and Spider-Man cross paths, doesn’t mean porn company Vivid Entertainment won’t let the superheroes cross swords. Kidding! There’s no confirmation they’ll be doing that, but the porn parody Spider-Man vs. Superman is confirmed. Feast your eyes on these set pics by Nerd Society. […]