New Bungie Job Postings Give Notion to Next Game

chief thinks itover 300x207 New Bungie Job Postings Give Notion to Next GameSo Bungie says that they’re not starting any work on their new franchise until Halo: Reach is completed. As much as that may be true, they seem to be building up their infrastructure to support their new venture. I decided to do some checking around for myself and snuck into Bungie as a new hire. According to some  job postings found here, there have been several new positions that offer possible hints to the new game.

One position: Player Investment Designer is quoted as being responsible for “designing mechanics which drive in-game player reward and incentive” along with “giving players long-term goals to invest them in the world and their character.” Judging from that description alone, the system resembles that of Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company 2, which employs points systems that have unlocks, incentives and specializations that keep players interested in multiplayer gameplay. Another qualification is “experience with many modes of online play.”

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I was sneaking around Bungie studios as a new hire, but got stopped by this guy.....not cool.

Another position: Writing Lead, will be tasked with assisting in the creation of the new Bungie-verse; experience in “branching or non-linear” writing is considered a positive. Bungie games are accustomed to having a linear feel, so it would make sense for them to try something a bit new and different from their norm. Will they go the route of Far Cry 2 and go open world FPS or an action RPG similar to Mass Effect? In any event, Bungie definitely seems as though they want to try a new direction for their next series, especially with Activision ready to distribute whatever they come up with.

Here are some possible ideas I came across, after snooping around Bungie studios for a bit:

lotrvshalo 2 300x225 New Bungie Job Postings Give Notion to Next Game

This is what EA's marketing division came up with

halo holy combat 231x300 New Bungie Job Postings Give Notion to Next Game

Bible bashing never felt so good!!

halokitty s New Bungie Job Postings Give Notion to Next Game

About that.....

Keep dreaming……..

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I can has???

pixel New Bungie Job Postings Give Notion to Next Game

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