My Batman Blu-ray Came Back from the Dead

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So there it was, my Batman: Gotham Knight Blu-ray, alone on a small street in Orange County.  I stopped my car to go pick it up.  Pieces were everywhere.  I went straight for the disc to see if it was still intact.  By the luck of the gods, Batman came out in one piece.  But…the same can’t be said about the cover.  Jump for the full details and pics of the surviving pieces.

You can blame it on my stupidity, but I was tired from a friend’s kickback.  My friend borrowed my movie, so I was able to get it back from him. I was heading back to my car, and I put the Batman Blu-ray on top of my car so that I can put my other stuff inside first.  I forgot to take the movie inside the car as I drove all the way home.  I came home and realized my beloved Batman wasn’t there to entertain me. 

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I realized it must have been back at my friend’s place, but as I traveled back, I see a shiny object on the road, not realizing it was my movie.  I hear a crunching sound as I drove over it and realized that it was my beloved Batman movie.  I stopped the car and used my mini flashlight to look for any remaining survivors.  The only thing left was the disc and the back cover and back case.  The front cover is still MIA.

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As I looked at the disc, I was amazed to see that it was not messed up and it was scratch-free. I headed straight home and popped it in my Playstation 3.  And to my surprise, IT STILL WORKS! Now with that said, I’ll never doubt the power of Blu-ray and I, without question, will remain to “Do Blu.”

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