Movie Review: Green Lantern: First Flight

green lantern first flight Movie Review: Green Lantern: First Flight

I’ve never really caught on to the Green Lantern fandom. I was hoping to become a fan, but after watching Green Lantern: First Flight, I can safely say that I won’t be jumping on the bandwagon anytime soon. Maybe Ryan Reynolds’s Green Lantern can covert me?

Green Lantern: First Flight is the fifth original animated movie by Warner Premiere and Warner Animation and is about a pilot named Hal Jordan who finds a dying alien who has a “power” ring. He gets the ring and from then on becomes the most powerful man in the world. Wait, I mean UNIVERSE!

I really think Green Lantern’s power is lame. Sure he’s powerful, but his powers are too much and I never felt that he was in danger. Let me name the lists of things he can do with the ring:

– Create a green energy that can be turned into anything, like a large drill or giant golf club
– Transform his outfit
– Fly
– Talk to aliens
– Generate a force field
– And kicking lots of ass

In real life, I’d want his powers, but for a movie, it doesn’t make for a gripping tale. In fact, everything that Hal does suggests that he is already an expert at being a superhero. When he found the dying alien, Abin Sur, he wasn’t shocked that he saw…an ALIEN! He acted calm and tried to help the alien out. Once receiving the ring, he’s ready to fly and do all these things with his ring.

His powers do have a weakness though, and it’s the color yellow. What would happen if the Green Lantern would urinate on himself?

Things takes a turn for the worst when the other Green Lanterns (yes, there are more of these guys) come to take Hal to the council of the Guardians. With the help of Sinestro, the Guardians allow Hal to be part of the Green Lantern Corps. Of course, Sinestro helps Hal for his own personal gain and plots a scheme against the Guardians. I still don’t get how the Guardians can be so surprised when he turns? He’s got red skin like the devil and his name is Sinestro for crying out loud.

What did I enjoy about the movie? It’s pretty violent for one thing. Someone even gets impaled by spikes. This is definitely a comic animation for adult fans.

Overall, the story wasn’t really interesting, but it wasn’t that bad either. Instead of focusing the story on Hal Jordan’s actual journey into becoming a superhero, they instead established that he’s already comfortable with his powers and focused more on Sinestro’s uprising. Here’s hoping that the live-action Green Lantern movie actually have more interesting characters, entertaining plot and emotional scenes.

Grade: C-

pixel Movie Review: Green Lantern: First Flight

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