While others are going back to school, come on back to Masters of the Universe Classics with a timely review on the importance of He-Man movie figures being a part of the toy line. Since the moment fans found out MOTUC would be an all encompassing toy line featuring a variety of MOTU figures, fans clamored for figures based off the He-Man movie that were once made in vintage form. I have been kind about those previous releases in the Classics line, so let’s find out what I have to say about the latest offering: Saurod!
Released on the standard MOTUC card, Saurod does not present any differences packaging wise like the other countless figures before him. However I do wish they had made a movie logo sticker, to make the designation a little different for the figure from other factions. I would like to also confess that this review will only be of the figure in the package. As the years have gone by with collecting this line I continue to pick and choose which ones I will open and which ones will stay locked up for the time being.
I am rather tempted to open this figure though, simply based upon this picture alone. His face is breathtaking. I love the coloring used on his flesh, it is a yummy jungle green. The copper armor is a nice contrast. I get a bit of a Star Wars/Predator feel when looking at this figure, but not in a blatant rip-off way, more in the line of, “I wonder if those other properties helped influence the design of this figure.” The detailing is superb. There is faithfulness to the original vintage figure. The vintage figure could shoot out sparks from his mouth and while this new one does not shoot out sparks, Classics Saurod does have a tail like the original. Back to the spark effect though, I would have really enjoyed a spark effect piece that could have been attached to his mouth to mimic the vintage to element. The shape of the armor is the same, but again, there is so much detail given to the armor. His helmet is sleek and his chest plate can come off.
I’ve looked at photos of the original figure and this modern one and I have to say, both figures are really cool but Mattel really found a way to update a MOTU figure in a cool and terrifying way. This figure simply looks amazing. There is also a strong resemblance to how Saurod looks in the film. I am in awe that the Four Horsemen were able to capture his essence so well from film to toy.
I share this image of his hand to emphasize my point. I’m waiting for that hand to move at any moment, it looks so lush and detailed. Everything also feels new about this figure, there does not seem to be any parts reuse, which will make this a very special figure for many collectors. This is one of the reasons I really admire the movie figures from the Classics line. The attention to detail is unlike any of the other figures. I must say out of the movie figures released, I think Saurod is my favorite. The scales on his flesh and color scheme are perfect. I also really enjoy the face on this figure. He also comes with a laser pistol, though he could have come with nothing and still been a great release.
The back of the card shows off standard MOTUC figures including two of the figures from the He-Man movie. I’ve always had a love hate relationship with the He-Man movie. As a kid I was so excited to see it and when the time came to see it in the theater I was so let down because it was nothing at all what I was expecting it to be. I felt cheated. I didn’t want He-Man to be on Earth. I wanted it all to take place on Eternia. I wanted a toy accurate Teela in live action form. I wanted the Horde and She-Ra! I wanted too damn much! However growing up I have really found some wonderful things about that movie, which is why I would love to see a movie version of Skeletor and Evil Lyn made into Classics form.
Saurod’s bio is enjoyable as well. I like that his DNA was spliced to help create the Snake Men, though in some ways I feel a bit confused how that all comes to play on the time line of events. I would have figured the Snake Men were a much older race while Saurod doesn’t seem to be older, but I am getting caught up on details. The bio is interesting and fresh. I don’t mind it one bit.
All in all I am very pleased with this figure. I feel as if I will open him eventually. What has sold me on Saurod is the incredible amount of detail. I still can’t get over the detail. It’s astonishing. I believe this is one of the best looking figures from the Classics line in 2015 and probably previous years too.
Grade: A (There is no way this figure could get anything less than an A. He is perfect; aside from not having a snap on electric shock piece for his mouth. That really would have been exquisite.)