Talk about a lot of items for the month of August—a lot of money too…
So, let’s cut to the chase and start with the quarterly variant that is Buzz Saw Hordak.
My first impressions on this figure are actually good—amazing right? The usual bits are as follows…Hordak is packaged in the standard bubble—what is really cool is that his chest is open revealing the saw blade, and if I remember correctly, that is how the original 80’s figure was packaged.
The back of the card features the usual crap.
The bio is…just read it if you want. But, the original story is that Hordak was able to enter Eternia Tower and he became happy and friendly and when he realized that he was acting that way he ran like hell and became Hurricane Hordak no more—now he was Buzz Saw Hordak!!! Cheap way to sell a figure, but he was cool.
So, my memories of Buzz Saw Hordak–I had the figure when I was young; there was a lever on his back that when depressed the saw blade would fire out and take your brothers eye out in the process—pretty cool. He had a very cheap cape that sort of pegged into the lever; other than that, this Classics version is almost the same…just minus the action feature and the cape is of much better quality.
However, there are always flaws…new for 2015, bobble head Hordak! That’s right, the ball joint in his neck is quite loose and the cape is attached to his collar keeping head posing to a minimum.
The sculpt itself is nice though; sure, parts were reused, but I can safely say that this is the only Hordak figure I have, so it is new to me. I never got the basic version, I sold Hurricane Hordak and I never got the Filmation colors version, so in the end, I have Buzz Saw Hordak which was one of my favorite figures when I was young.
Hordak comes with the standard Horde crossbow and the saw blade. The saw blade can be held in his hand and he can cut your shit up if you get too close! A common complaint is that the figure Rio-Blast didn’t have an opening chest for his double laser, it actually had to be attached, yet Buzz Saw Hordak got the opening chest; just consider it an upgrade of quality.
Other than the head issues, Buzz Saw Hordak is not bad at all, he has some tight joints, nice paint and is a pretty fun figure to have; I have no complaints, none at all.
GRADE: A- (He doesn’t suck, so he can be an “A-,” if the head was tight, the grade would be higher.)
From the special subscription is 200X Evil Seed, I have to admit, he is pretty damn cool.
You know the drill, normal bubble.
Usual back.
Lame bio.
Evil Seed is really awesome, I have now received two 200X figures and have to admit that the detail and sculpting is really well done, it is as though they were trying to create something new. The details, the details, the DETAILS!!! Amazing!
The story on this Evil Seed is that Orko was tricked into freeing him and he took over the palace of Eternia; they made him very powerful; he later returns with some heavy villains led by Skeletor and they (almost) take over Eternia…so close.
Included with Evil Seed is a vine that can eat you that wraps around his arm, he has an interestingly sculpted hand to make the vine look as though it is coming from his body; nice touch. Also included is a scepter which is decent; he grips it very well.
What else can I say about this figure…except…good job, I like him, very nice. Tight joints, good head rotation and decent accessories, can’t go wrong.
For those who subscribed to Club 200X we were given the absolute worst exclusive. Instead of 200X Sorceress which EVERYONE wanted, we got…ready for this…the HEADS OF ETERNIA!!! Holy shit, how pointless.
So, what do you get…oh wait…
The Heads of Eternia are packaged in the usual figure bubble and the back of the card has the figures which the heads will attach.
Alright, back to the show… Included are heads in the 200X style for Sy-Klone, Roboto, Clawful, Buzz-Off, Grizzlor and for those who have Snout Spout and his trunk cracked, you finally get a head that is made with quality and very exceptional detail.
So, what to do? I have all the figures except Snout Spout, I’m sure he goes for cheap on Ebay. Only Sy-Klone and Buzz-Off are out of their package…and if I open Roboto he may or may not explode—yeah, the plastic is cheap and he seems to explode…and his shoulders are backwards…I could sell it, but why bother, so the answer is…I don’t have a clue what to do with them; I got the subscription for Veena who comes out in November; not for heads or anything else being offered; so we’ll see; I have no plans to open Clawful, I like his head anyhow and Grizzlor will get destroyed if he is out in the open, the fur will get ruined to the point of no return; so I guess the heads are just a novelty.
GRADE: D (six heads aren’t worth the price of a figure).
As promised, I will continue the story from last time…
With her small group gathered, Catra becomes annoyed by Callix who keeps asking where Multi-Bot and Entrapta are, she responds; “Entrapta is trapped in a clear bubble…see? And Multi-Bot went home, so we won’t have their help, but I was able to enlist the help of another.”
Evil Seed makes himself known and Callix looks him over as Mosquitor finds interest in all of the energy that he may be able to drain from the powerful plant man. “Four of us against Buzz Saw Hordak? I think we can do it…whoa, what’s with the chick in the prison…h-o-t.”
Catra rolls her eyes, she seriously wants to take revenge on Hordak, but her crew has proven to be nitwits so it seems…she then sighs as she looks to her friend in mischief Entrapta, how could this happen to her?
Buzz Saw Hordak appears and the group prepare themselves for a showdown, he says, “So Catra, you revived Callix and got Mosquitor and even Evil Seed to join you…Entrapta wasn’t so lucky, she kind of jumped the gun coming after me alone; all the power in the world couldn’t save her…she isn’t dead, but if you unbox her, she will get dusty!”
“Enough of the talk you big-eared bastard! We demand vengeance!!!” Catra yells and the group begins to attack Hordak who unleashes his buzz saw which trims Evil Seed’s leaves, and cuts off Mosquitor’s stinger. The blade bounces off of Callix who runs in for an attack and says, “You tried to kill me you bastard, I was your best battlefield commander and you killed me for giving you advice, you idiot! Now die!”
Catra watches for the fight to end, however all action stops abruptly as a new player in this dangerous game enters…
“Skeletor!!!” They all cry as the Evil Lord of Destruction bares his dark Power Sword; he is creepy-looking and ready for a battle that no one will ever forget.
Calmly, Skeletor says, “Let me see your bio…Hec-Tor Kur…how originally stupid, kind of like how you supposedly almost killed me with your saw blade…how dull, never saw that coming. This is the last year for good figures in the line, so let me do the honor of finishing you off here and now Hordak. This isn’t some girly and childish She-Ra episode…not the Xmas special…no dogs will be licking me, no kids will be annoying me…no, this is the end for you…EXTRA!”
“Extra! I am a major character!” Hordak says appalled.
“Sure you are…You and King Hiss (that’s right, H-I-S-S; they lost the rights to that spelling), I am He-Man’s enemy, his greatest foe, the one who will defeat him in the end, but in order to do that, I have to finish you off…extra.”
Skeletor and Hordak go at it, the fight is long and arduous, but in the end, Skeletor defeats Hordak. He looks at the saw blade and says, “A chew toy for Panthor…” So, you four want to join my forces? Or does Callix here want to die again, the mosquito…I can smash under my heel, Seedling—you are nothing to me…and Catra…well, you can always have a seat at my table, I’ll let you have Beastman’s spot, he sheds too…well, how about it?”
“We’re in!” The four say in unison.
“Of course you are…” Skeletor replies dryly as the evil crew leaves the remains of Hordak for the Shadow Beasts.
Be sure to check out Miss M’s review of Mara from The New Adventures of He-Man; mine is on a shelf in the package, no need to open her.