This Mimobot contest was the most popular with 60 responses! Thanks to everyone that participated!!
Let’s see if you can get the correct answer why Mimobot Flashdrives are so popular:
a) Cool design
b) It has practical use
c) Great licensed characters
d) Appeals to both males, females and robots
e) All of the above.
If you guessed “E”, you are correct!
My favorite is the Imperial Guard from Star Wars because you can build an army out of it and they just look badass. For this contest, Mimobot was nice enough to give away 2 free flash drives!
The first winner is Scott with his Star Wars answer:
“yoda, of course. yoda represents the penultimate and spiritual nirvana of the ever present force. he is a representation of the samurai master who still wields a mighty powerful and fast blade along w. the acrobatics to boot. he, just like mr. miyagi, intensely feels every nuance of his devotion by meditating on his past while hoping for a better future of peace in the universe.”
We like how he used a big word that even we don’t know what it means “penultimate.” But it does sound pretty kickass. Then he used a Karate Kid reference to compare Yoda to Mr. Miyagi. Never thought about that but they pretty much are the same character, except one doesn’t have a green lightsaber.
Our second winner is Melissa D:
“Obviously, Hello Kitty Nerd Kitty MIMOBOT® is the most superior Mimobot in existence!
1.Hello Kitty is revered by nerds the world over. In fact, my Hello Kitty lunchbox earned me the title of Queen Nerd in elementary school!
2.Hello Kitty Nerd Kitty is sporting super cool nerdy glasses, the type that brands the wearer a nerd even from long distances!
3.Carrying a love of Hello Kitty into adulthood (as I have) is a sign to the world that, yes, I am a nerd and I’m proud!
Thanks! Nerds rock and so do you, Nerd Society! “
Even if she didn’t say we rock, Melissa would have won the contest because she’s been a nerd since grade school (but we do appreciate the love!!). She’s not afraid to flaunt her nerdiness even to this day. Now this is what a nerd is being about, accepting who you are and not shying away from it. Plus, she loves Hello Kitty and its history!
Congrats to Scott and Melissa for wining an awesome USB Mimobot Flashdrive!
Thanks to Mimobot for the contest! Follow Mimobot on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news on their flashdrives.

Nov 24, 2010 -