So…I was on the subscription for 10 months and then switched from my credit card to my bank card and it didn’t go through when they went to get the payment. I called their number in India and they couldn’t help me, so I am now off of the subscription–and they say you can’t cancel, its too easy to cancel, oh well!
So, this months actual figure is Snout-Spout the firefighting elephant guy. I have the original Snout-Spout and I think he is pretty cool, however I decided not to get him in order to have 2 of Bubble Power She-Ra.
Swiftwind is totally bitch’in! A very large size quarterly beast figure with a ton of articulation and detail. Swifty’s accessories are his saddle and headpiece which are both removable. Swiftwind has fully articulated and removable wings which are set into his body on ball joints with a “hinge” in the center. The color scheme for Swiftwind was apparently voted on, he was to either be pink as the original figure was or as he is in the photos which is the Filmation version. The Filmation version is much better.
The back of the package has some also available She-Ra characters and his bio which is actually one of the better ones.
All in all, Swiftwind is quite nice and I’m glad I picked him up.
GRADE: A (Very Satisfied).
Bubble Power She-Ra was not part of the subscription which is marketing genius! Well, not really, after all I did pick up 2 of her and zero of Snout-Spout. BP (as we’ll call her) She-Ra did hold on for a week which is surprising, with Swiftwind and Snout-Spout moving off of the sales page quicker. More for me, I thought it was going to sell out in a half hour.
Anyhow, BP She-Ra is a rebuild of the female body, she is created with an articulated waist and is outfitted to sit on the cats and Swiftwind unlike the original version of She-Ra which can’t do much but stand in one place.
Bubble Power She-Ra comes with a lot of accessories including her tiara which is sculpted as the 80’s action doll’s was, it is removable and is far better than the original classics figure where there was a huge hole in the center of her head. BP She-Ra also includes the star shaped sword which came with the original Bubble Power action doll and also a bubble wand that does not have bubble solution to go with it–the original BP She-Ra did have bubble mix. The bubble wand fits in her hand and the white outlet spins by hand. Bubble Power She-Ra has her shield, axe and comb combo and removable armor and cape too.
By removing Bubble Power She-Ra’s armor and swapping heads with the original classics figure you can get standard She-Ra and she can sit on Swifty, just add the weapons and its a different figure–more or less…
Bubble Power She-Ra’s articulation is much better than the first try and the sculpt is great even though the original classics is fine too.
Here is somewhat of a comparison between the 2 She-Ra’s, BP She-Ra has more of an original appearance with the tiara, the body has more of a female shape also.
Catra is jealous! Must be She-Ra’s good looks–or its the glittery stickers on her tiara.
She-Ra can ride on Battlecat the coat rack, He-man is not happy about that!
The back of the package has a She-Ra and Evil Horde “also available” and her bio is decent–the picture next to the bio is great at least.
I’ve been waiting for this figure ever since it was announced, now I have one opened and one sealed for display, very satisfying. I’m actually glad to be rid of the subscription, it lightens the load and gives me more control.
GRADE: A+ (Awesome)!
Decembers figures–Finally the year is almost over!
Battleground Evil-Lyn
Unless they change it–again…
Finally, the end is near!
Quality set of figures this month, sorry I don’t have Snout-Spout to show, apparently his trunk is articulated and he doesn’t squirt water.
Click all photos to enlarge.

Nov 29, 2011 -
I like the bubble gun. That’s a great gimmick.
Nov 29, 2011 -
There’s no better way to defeat your opponent than to blow soapy bubbles in their eyes!
Lee Mclaughlin
Dec 1, 2011 -